Chapter Twenty-One

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Rayne's Pov

I sigh as I lean against Law. I don't know why but he decided that we'd go to a human auction house. Just knowing that something like this exists makes me sick to my stomach. Law's arm comes around my shoulders and his fingers ghost over my skin. I know this is his way of calming me down without saying anything. I shrug his arm off of me and refuse to look at him. I fought with Law for about an hour over me not going to this place but in the end he won like always.

"What?" He asks underneath his breath.

I shake my head at him, "You know I don't want to be here..."

"Get over it, you never know this could be interesting."

"It makes me sick, these are people too you know."

"You're thinking like a timid mouse again. Pirates are more callous than that."

"I don't think I'll ever be a real pirate then." I cross my arms over my chest and scoot away from him so our bodies are no longer touching.

Law's eyes burn into my head but I'm standing my ground on this. I don't care, he can glare at me for all I care. More pirates and regular people alike begin to file into the auction hall. Unfortunately that also meant the Kid Pirates decided to show up. I can hear their jeers and suddenly Law half-turns and flicks Eustass off. 

I crack a smile at the face Eustass makes; that was priceless. I notice Law looking at me but I simply turn further away from him. I'm not going to forgive him so soon. The room lights dim and the show begins. I grit my teeth, this was going to take forever.

Law's Pov

Law feels prickling annoyance at Rayne. Yes it was bitter that these people were being sold off but it was life. The world wasn't a happy place. Looking over at her he sees that she's glaring at her hands trying to look anywhere but at that stage. He has half the mind to remind her that the man that caused the two of them to meet was a slaver. In fact he was trying to grab Rayne to not only hold her for ransom but also to sell her to the slave trading circuit. 

For a moment Law dwells on that thought. If they hadn't met up and she had been taken would he have seen her up on the very stage in front of him? Would she have even made it to here? 


Law blinks slowly at the realization that none of that would be plausible. She would've been bought up by some greedy bastard and they never would've met. All of this would've never happened and he would've gone on unaware of this woman. The very thought makes Law reach over and pull her into his side. Of course she still glares at him but he leans down and connects their lips. He feels her melt into him and smirks knowing that he has her affections back.

Hearing gasps from around the room Law breaks their kiss to look up at the stage. Even he was surprised to find a mermaid in a glass bowl with a few of the other slaves as a precursor to the category of slaves being sold. He can't believe one of them would've been stupid enough to be caught on land. She looked scared as she swam around in the miniscule bowl and Rayne grips Law's knee tightly.

Law grabs her by the wrist and removes her hand. Hearing chattering behind them Law looks back to see the Strawhat Crew minus their captain and resident swordsman. Their faces were set and he went as far to assume that they knew this mermaid. Of course they would, they always seemed to get themselves into trouble. Rayne loved keeping up with their misadventures in the papers on each island. She had stacks of them in their room and frankly it was annoying Law to have those papers everywhere.

Turning back to look at the stage he can see that the bidding has already started. 

Just as things were going another Tenryubito showed up. Things just got worse. Law watches the man as he steps down the isle on his slave. He notices that the bastard actually gives Rayne a once over and smiles. Law feels the need to stake his claim but with this bastard it would've just encouraged him to try and take her. As soon as the tenryubito is gone Law pulls Rayne into his lap. He'd be damned if he allowed such a bratty bastard take her. 

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now