Chapter Fifteen

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Rayne’s Pov

One hour, that’s all the peace I get.

I’m lying in the tub still. The water is lukewarm but it still feels good to me. However just as I’m about to nod off completely in the tub Law bangs into the room, startling me awake again. His face is set in heavy lines and a frown is tugging at his face, something’s wrong. I sit up a bit and give him a questioning look but Law snatches up the towel and unfolds it before turning to me.

“Get out, I need you in the infirmary with me.” He says.

On shaky legs I stand and Law helps me out of the tub. He helps me wobble into the bedroom and he sits me down on the bed before he tosses clothes at me, “Law, what’s going on?”

“An emergency, now hurry up.”

In less than five minutes Law and I are hurrying to the infirmary as quick as I can hobble. We make it into the operating room and I see that Sam is lying motionless on the operation table. She looks half-drowned. Her blood red hair is a few shades darker and hangs in knotted up strands. Her clothes are sodden and she looks chilled to the bone. Her skin is even paler than I saw it all those months ago. Beside her a man with black hair and an ugly orange cowboy hat is clutching her hand and trying not to sob. A lover I suppose.  At the sound of our entrance the man looks up, his face is pale white with fear making his freckles stand out even more. As I get a good look at him I know exactly who this man is, Ace D. Portgas.

“She’s still not breathing.” Shachi says from his place near Sam, attempting to resuscitate her with chest compressions.

“Stand back.” Law orders him in a firm tone. I like to call that tone his ‘doctor voice’.

Ace stands away from Sam and Law gets to work. “Room.”

The glowing sphere opens up over us and Law walks over to where she’s lying on the table. As he’s beginning to attempt CPR he motions for me to come over. I wobble over there and wait for Law to give me his next order.

“Take that bucket there and place it slightly under the edge of the table.”

I set it where he’s told me to, “Okay.”

“Good now help me here. I need you to hit her on the back to dislodge the water from where it’s settled. As you do that I’m going to attempt to force air into her lungs to stimulate them into working again.”

I nod, “Okay, whenever you’re ready.”

Law angles Sam’s head a little off of the table so that any water she coughs up will be into the bucket and then we start working. As I’m thumping onto her back I feel worry go through me. Even though I wasn’t a fan of her when we first met I don’t want her to die. At Law’s urging I thump her back harder. After about the twenty-fifth smack to her back I feel something and then Sam starts coughing up water everywhere, mostly into the bucket though. Unfortunately she swallowed more water than we anticipated.

“Shachi go into the lab of the infirmary, there are more buckets in there. Make sure to wash everything down before you come out of there. We’re working with new virus strains and they’re very nasty.” Law says.

“Aye captain!” Shachi races off.

It’s several minutes before Shachi returns with the buckets. It’s tense as we start to expel all of the sea water from her lungs. At one point she got enough sea water throw up on Law that he began to have his own strength weakened. From then it was up to Shachi and I to help get all of the water out. Three buckets later we were certain that all of the salt water was out of her lungs. Sam coughs violently once more before her chest rises and falls normally.

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