Chapter Eight

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Law’s Pov

                Law sighed as he leaned against the railing of his submarine. It had been close to five months since Rayne had joined them and Law found himself easily losing what little ounce of control he had around her. He was always standing too close or his hands were on her a bit too long. Law found it disturbing that this girl had such a hold on him. Not that her new wardrobe really helped matters. She’d gradually begun wearing shorter shorts and more formfitting shirts which showed off her body a lot better than even her dresses had. He found himself wanted her by his side for no apparent reason at all. When he went to sleep he always pulled her close to him. If she was upset or someone, namely Rick, did something to upset her he was quick to make right of the situation. Unfortunately, the crew was starting to notice.

                Every meal Oz would shoot him a knowing glance with an annoying smile on his face. Bepo would always sniff at Law and Rayne whenever the two were together and blink at them. Then of course there were the daggers that Penguin shot him as if warning him not to do anything stupid with her.  Of course Law would do whatever the fuck he wanted but he guessed it was nice to have crewmates that cared for one another.

                At the moment the captain was watching as Rayne ran through her combat lessons with not only Bepo and Shachi but with Penguin as well. She was rapidly improving in her skills and Law was quite pleased that he could rely on her more in battle. Not to mention she’d shown an interest in medicine to which Law was teaching her basic medical knowledge at the moment. She was doing quite well and she read up on the books he left her to look over. She was actually becoming a valuable lab assistant to him.


                At the sound of a screech of pain Law looked up to see Shachi flat on his face on the deck and Rayne kneeling on his back with her hands twisting his wrists behind him. However within a moment Shachi had managed to throw Rayne off and pin her down yet Rayne was squirming away from him efficiently. Law straightened up and walked over to where the two were grappling with one another. “I think Miss Rayne has done enough today.” Law remarked as he watched his crewmates snap to attention.

Rayne got up and cracked her back into place, “So what is on the agenda today La-captain?”

It seemed that Rayne still had trouble calling him captain and frankly it bothered him when she did call him captain. Why he had no idea but it did. He motioned for her to follow him, “We’re going to work on some virus strings today.” Law stopped for a moment as he thought about things, “On second thought I’ll work on the virus strings and you’ll learn the proper use for medicines.”

“Okay, so exactly what is it I’m going to do?” She asked as they came into his infirmary.

Law walked over to where he kept his medical books and rooted around for a moment before finding the exact book he wanted, “Read.” He said before slapping the huge book down in front of her. Rayne blinked at it owlishly before she gently took up the book and opened it up to begin reading. “Oh only read the highlighted names.” Law added before going over and getting to work.

Rayne’s Pov

                It had to have been hours since I’d started memorizing all of the names and uses of the highlighted names in this book. Every once in a while Law would stop what he was doing and quiz me on a few of the ones I’d already gone over before nodding his head at my progress and handing the book back to me.

Yawning I set the book down and rubbed my eyes vigorously. Stretching quickly I picked up the book again when suddenly a bookmark was placed on my page and then the book shut. Law took the book from my hands and set it back in its place before stretching as well. “Come on, it’s time for dinner.” He said and held out a hand for me to take. Grabbing it I got to my feet and he proceeded to quiz me on all of the ones I’d gone over while we made our way to the galley.  Safe to say I’d gotten most of it but there were a few terms that I’d missed.

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