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Rayne's Pov

"I can't believe it, I can't believe that we actually won." I laugh, sitting on the ground, covered in blood. 

Law comes up behind me, sheathing his nodachi, "You have so little faith, it's pathetic." He reaches down and flicks my hat down over my face.

I roll my eyes while pushing my hat up, "Shut up, I'm just glad we're alive."

"I know." Law reaches down and picks me up in his arms. 

I smile and press my face into the nape of his neck. To say I was tired was an understatement; it wasn't very often that we fought so hard in a battle. Walking back onto the sub he takes us back to our room and into the bathroom. Starting up a warm bath he sits down with me to wait for the water to heat and then the tub to fill. 

He slides his arm over my shoulders and brings me in close to him. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, so glad that he got out of it okay. When we managed to get separated during the battle that was a constant thought plaguing my mind. 

The bath was finally ready. With some help from Law we both managed to get undressed and relaxed in a tub of hot water. Sighing I turned enough to curl into Law enough to where my head was once again resting on his shoulder. "Have I told you that I love you?" I ask.

"Yes, constantly."

I look at him and wait for him to say something else but he doesn't. In fact he's just staring at me. I sigh and smack him on the chest, "This is what I get for expecting something a little more romantic from you."

"I'm a pirate."

"Yeah well Eustass wasn't so bad, at least he knew how to woo a lady." I lie, knowing it'll rile him up.

His grip tightens, "What was that?" His tone is dark, almost menacing.

"Oh nothing~."

"Rayne, tell me." He growls. "Exactly when was this?" 

"Oh you know, when you all allowed me to get kidnapped by marines. We had a slight rendezvous the night before the battle for Marineford. I have to say he was pretty romantic. Brought me food and-."

My back is slammed down onto the edge of hte tub, wrists trapped in his hands. The cold metal presses against my back, sending shivers up my spine. Law is glaring down at me, eyes glinting dangerously. Perhaps I took this little thing a bit too far. "You had better be lying."

I grin nervously, "Yeah I'm lying I just wanted to see what you would do!" I laugh, hoping he would just snort at me and call me stupid or whatever. Unfortunately the look he's giving me suggests otherwise. "N-now Law come on, it was just a joke!"

"Oh yes, one you're going to pay dearly for. Starting," He bites down on the junction of my shoulder, "Now." 

"Ow! Law come on!"

Law's Pov

It was no joke that Law hated to be teased, especially by his lover. Looking down at her sleeping peacefully beside him made Law want to snort. Did she really think that he would let her get away with leading him on like that? He would never admit it but for a moment he really did believe her. He couldn't quite place what he was feeling when she had him going but it was something akin to betrayal, anger, and murder. Needless to say he felt relief when she told him she was lying.

Rayne shifts a little and curls her legs up close to her body. She was so cute and he loved the way she seemed to wiggle her nose in her sleep. Reaching up a bit he smooths a thumb over oen of the numerous hickeys on her neck. He feels a sense of possessive pride, this was his woman and she was stunning. 

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now