Chapter Twenty-Two

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Rayne's Pov

I groan as my eyes open. White, everything was white. I try to get up but find leather straps holding me down by my wrists and ankles. I try to break away but it's not good. I'm trapped here. The door opens and my eyes widen as admiral Kizaru comes into the room, his face grim.

"Hello Rayne... how are you feeling?"

"What do you want with me."

"To replace the son your lover destroyed."

My eyes widen, "What?"

"As of today, you're part of my marine squad. Your name is Jaden Kizaru, you are my nephew from a far off island, and you've decided to join my crew."

"You're out of your fucking mind."

Kizaru steps forward, a pair of scissors in hand, "Perhaps, now stay still."

I spy the bottle of hair dye on the counter behind him and I start struggling, "No! Don't you dare! Don't you fucking touch me!" He starts snipping one lock after the other, "No, no, no! NO!"

Law's Pov

The rage Law feels at the moment can't be described. While he gained one subordinate he promptly lost his most important one. Once the battle had settled enough that it was safe to go and get Rayne, Law and the crew went in only to find a puddle of blood and Rayne's sword.

"Let's go." He orders as he whips around and heads out of the auction hall. 

The crew is deathly silent, no one knows what to say at all. They should've known better than to leave Rayne all alone like that. Jean Bart, the newest crewmember, looks confused at what was going on but kept his mouth shut. The hurried move down to the submarine was tense, Law's shoulders were so tense they looked like they were going to snap.

They're about to make it to the submarine when the Kid pirates show up. Eustass is standing in front of their submarine with a serious look on his face. Law isn't in the mood for it. Rayne was somewhere getting farther away from him while Eustass was wasting his time. "Get out of the way." Law says as he immediately unsheathes his sword. Bepo bares his teeth and the rest of the crew gets into position to fight; they were just as worried about their other female crewmember.

"So I take it you lost Rayne again."

Eustass jumps out of the way as Law nearly slices through his neck. "Get out of the way!" He snarls, for once losing his patience outwardly.

"Just thought you'd like to know that I saw a marine carrying her body off to their ship."

Law halts with his sword point at Eustass's throat, "Talk."

"I just told you everything you dipshit."

"Why are you telling me?"

"So I can beat you to get her and make her join my crew. I want you to know how you knew exactly where she was and yet I got to her first."

Law feels the need to slice into his neck, "She's mine, doesn't matter if you get to her first of not." Sheathing his sword Law motions for his crew to get onto their submarine. 

Law's mind is reeling. If a marine ship took Rayne then was it possible that it was her father? Law sits down in his captain's chair while everyone races around to go and get it started. He rules that out though. Law had seen the way Akainu had treated his daughter. Akainu loved her and he would be out for Law's blood. There was no way that he'd just take her and leave; he'd make it a point of hunting Law down to kill him. 

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now