Chapter Twenty

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Rayne's Pov

"Law, where are we?" I ask as we near an island that had... bubbles?

Law joins me and leans on the railing, a smirk on his face, "Sabaody Archipelago. A place where slave trade runs amok. Stick close to me and don't go off on your own.

I glare at him, "In the near two years I've been here you still don't trust me to handle myself?"

He crushes his lips to mine in a rough kiss. My mind goes blank and I grab onto the front of his hoodie. However before we get deeper into the kiss Law breaks it, "No, not really. You're still shit with a sword and you have no devil fruit powers to rely on."

"Fuck you."

"Isn't that what you're here for?"

I push away from him, "You're an ass."

Law places his hands on my hips and brings me into his arms again, "Stop it. I'm worried for you. Just humor me. You have a knack for getting kidnapped."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, yeah..."

The submarine docks and the entire crew was allowed to venture out. Of course Law all gave them the same lecture he did me. Once everyone has dispersed to do what they do Law places his arm around my waist and pulls me into his side. I look at him but Law's eyes seemed fixed on something ahead. I frown and poke him in his side. 

"What?" He allows his eyes to slide down to look at me before looking forward again. 

"What are you concentrating so hard on? You look like you're trying to burn holes into something."

Law pulls me even closer to his side and I about trip because of how close we're walking, "We're going to pay a visit to a few old friends." He grins sadistically.

I shake my head and stay silent. Apparently Law decided now would be a good time to be a bitch. I'm sure we're probably going to annoy the shit out of Eustass Kid again. Over the several months since Sam and Ace had left we'd run into the make-up wearing freak. Each time he'd try and steal me away from the Heart Pirate Crew. Each time Law was there to attempt to cut him into pieces. 

Sighing I roll my eyes as we head toward the town in Grove 21. We were just in time to see Killer and Urouge clashing. I gasp at the strength of the shockwaves hitting my body. I have to keep a tight hold on Law to keep myself from from flying back. How is Law able to keep his footing in this? The two are about to clash again when X Drake arrived and ended the fight. Both Killer and Urouge fall back to their respective places. Urouge leaves and it's then that Eustass Kid notices the two of us.

The red-haired captain's smirk falls from his face. It's replaced with a frown as he starts toward us. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the captain and his little whore."

"Which you seemingly keep trying to steal."

I glare at both men, "I'm not a fucking whore thank you!"

Eustass grins as he steps closer to me, "Still as firey as ever."

"Captain, is something going on?" Bepo and the rest of the crew step up behind the two of us. 

"Stand down, he's not much of a threat." Law orders. 

"What was that?" I can practically feel the anger radiating off of Eustass at the moment.

"You're going to regret that Law." 

Eustass means to go and strip off Law's face but once again Drake steps in. "Enough, both of you." 

Both of them step back and it's then that I realize that Drake is studying me now. The way he's looking at me makes me unnerved. It's as though he's calculating something. Something that I'm not going to like one bit.

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now