Chapter Twenty-Three

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Rayne's Pov

To say I'm freaked out is and understatement. It's been about two weeks or so since I agreed to Kizaru's demand for me to become his 'nephew'. For the last two weeks I'd forcibly made to look like a boy and tossed into a male's marine uniform. At the moment his crew had managed to run into the other two Vice Admirals of the Marine. One of which was my father.

"So Jaden, how has your uncle been treating you?" My father asks me, unaware that this was the first time in about two years that he's come face to face with his own daugher.

I swallow at the look of Kizaru, he did this to test me, "I'm doing okay. My uncle works me hard but it's good work."

"I see. That's good," He turns to Kizaru, "You've got a good boy here... it only makes me wish Rayne could've met him..."

I look on his face breaks my heart. I can't believe how distraught he is. It kills me to know that I caused this pain for him. I'm truly a shitty human being. I don't deserve to have a father like him and he didn't deserve a shitty daughter like me.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about your daughter. I was shocked when I heard that a pirate stole her from her room during her birthday celebration. I promise I'll keep an eye out for her."

My father nods, a little choked up, "This is a good boy, keep him Kizaru. Not many men have honest hearts these days."

The bastard smiles and grips my shoulder tightly, "Believe me, I'm keeping a close eye on this one. I won't let what happened to James happen to him."

With that Kizaru guides me out of the room and away from my father. I feel like I want to just break down. I know he did this because he wanted to test me. It's obvious that he enjoyed my suffering during the entire exchange. We head out of the building and toward the ship. Walking a bit behind Kizaru I glare at his back. Right now it would be easy, so easy to just take a knife and send it through his skull.

"You did well in there. I'm relatively surprised. I figured you would've cracked."

I snort, "Pirates aren't that weak, especially the Heart Pirates."

Kizaru laughs at my statement, "Oh yes, your beloved Heart Pirates. Did you know they're on their way here to come looking for you? What do you think, should we let them catch up and then destroy them?"

"Leave them alone, you've already gotten what you wanted."

"Yes, I agree. However I know you're still thinking about rebelling. Perhaps destroying your precious little pirates you'll finally break."

I glare at him, "Leave them alone, I'm serious. I'm here, I'm not fighting you anymore. You know that, you can see it. As long as they're alive I'm not going to fight you."

Kizaru says nothing and we board the ship. I stay behind him as we walk toward the navigational room. We step into the room and I'm to stand behind Kizaru as he sits down in his chair. The marines eye me warily but say nothing. They all know the truth, they know what Kizaru was doing and they did nothing.

It was also common knowledge that I would destroy them if I got the chance. None of them spoke a word to me, they concerned themselves with their own lives and promptly tried to steer clear of me. I actually feel pretty good because I enjoy their fear. I like that they're scared of me, maybe this is why Law is always so cocky?


Just the thought of him makes me fluttery and depressed at the same time. Knowing that he cares so much as to come after me makes me realize exactly why I fell in love with him. However it's the knowlege that I will most likely never see him that depresses me. By the time he and the crew docks here we'll be long gone once again. Hell, even if they did catch up to us I wouldn't be able to go with them. Kizaru was an Admiral, one with a vendetta against Law. He wouldn't just defeat him, he'd destroy the very ground Law stood upon and parade his head around.

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now