♠︎ Monster ♠︎

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Hayyy this is my second book!

Don't ask why i'm writing it, i've just become obsessed with these kind of books (especially about the Brooks' brothers) sooooo why not write my own?

Hope its gooooood :)

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Jai's POV:

"JAIDON! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" his voice yelled from downstairs and I cringed.

I dropped my diary onto my pathetic excuse for a bed, then slowly made my way downstairs, trying to extend the time I didn't have to see his face. That time seemed to end a second later though because before I knew it I was standing in the living room, and he was standing right in front of me.

"Turn your head, and look at the sink, then tell me what you see" he said through gritted teeth, and I looked through the doorway into the kitchen, my eyes widening.

I hadn't done the dishes. I hadn't done the FUCKING DISHES. I was dead. I was well and truly dead.

"What do you see?" he asked me and I faced my head towards him again.

"Th-the dishes aren't c-cleaned" I stuttered.

"That's right. Care to explain to me why they are not cleaned?" he questioned, his eyes full of hatred without an ounce of forgiveness.

"I was doing all of my other chores. I-I forgot" I whispered, and it seemed he didn't have any more questions to be asked, so it was straight to punishment.

I gasped in pain as he lunged at me, punching every inch of skin on my body, which wasn't much considering my frame resembled a 12 year old's.

"Mark!" a female voice exclaimed, and I recognized it immediately as Linda.

"Can't you see i'm busy?" the man on me replied, seething with anger.

"That's enough. He'll have to go to hospital otherwise. And hospital means questions, which means police" Linda said calmly but firmly.

Mark released me, getting to his feet and storming out of the room. I groaned as Linda helped me to my feet and walked me upstairs to my room.

"Linda! You better not be fucking helping that worthless piece of shit!" Mark's voice barked from another room.

"Get some rest, i'll bring you food at midnight when he's gone out to his usual bar" Linda muttered to me and I nodded, laying back onto my 'bed'.

She left the room and I stared up at the ceiling. What did I do to deserve this treatment? What did I do to deserve this life? I sighed and closed my eyes, ignoring the pain all over my body, and instead falling into a light sleep.

"Jai? Jai sweetie wake up i've brought soup, but be careful it's hot" a voice whispered in my ear and I opened my eyes to see Linda leaning over me.

"Thank you" I mumbled, forcing myself to sit up and take the bowl from her hands.

I carefully spooned soup into my mouth, not caring that it burned my throat every time I swallowed. As I ate Linda tended to my wounds, then took my empty bowl to the kitchen, returning a moment later and sitting on the side of my bed as I lay down.

"I'm so sorry Jai" she sighed, brushing my hair out of my face.

"Why do you stay here?" I asked quietly.

"I don't think you would be alive if I didn't" she replied.

"So you're here because i'm here?" I questioned.

"You're special, you don't deserve any of this, so i'm going to stay here for as long as I need to in order to make sure you're ok" she said softly.

"Thank you for the soup" I muttered, unable to think of anything else to say.

"You're welcome Jai" she smiled sadly, squeezing my hand then standing up again. "We'll find a way out of this, I promise you that" she whispered, then she left the room.

Forget about me not deserving this. Linda definitely didn't. She can leave whenever she wants, but she stays for my sake. She stays here to protect me from this monster. The monster I call my father.

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First chapter whoooo!!!!

Idk I just wanted to write a different kind of story so I decided on this. I hope it turns out ok because I love stories like this so *shrugs because I don't know how to continue*

Anyway, hope it was a good start :)

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Bella ♠︎

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