✦ 20 Questions ✦

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*Filler chapter*

Luke's POV:

"You can take the bottom bunk" I smiled at Jai. We had had dinner and I had given him the house tour, now it was bed.

"Thanks" he murmured, lying down on the bed and sinking into the mattress.

"You look like you're lying on a cloud" I chuckled.

"It feels like I am. This bed is heaven compared to the one in Sydney" he pointed out. Huh. I always thought these mattresses were too hard.

"So dad lives in Sydney?" I asked, sitting on the side of his bed.

"Yea. Don't ask what it's like though, I never really went outside so I wouldn't know sorry" he mumbled.

"That's ok. Hey you wanna play 20 questions?" I offered. I didn't know anything about him so it seemed like a good idea.

"What's 20 questions?" he asked, looking like a confused puppy. Awh.

"It's a game where one person asks a question and the other has to answer, then the roles switch again and again until 20 questions have been asked by both players" I explained, grabbing my camera.

"Ok. And what are you doing with a camera?" he then questioned.

"I'm going to film it all! Our fans don't know about you so when I tell them i'll post this" I grinned.

"Fans...?" he asked. Wow there was a lot to tell him.

"Yea. Me, Beau and our two friends, Daniel and James, have a channel on youtube. We call ourselves the Janoskians, and we just do dares and mockumentaries and shit" I explained, setting up the camera in front of us.

"What's youtube?" he asked.

"Holy shit there's a lot you don't know. Youtube is a website or app on which you upload videos for people all over the world to watch, then you can watch other people's videos. That's how we came semi-famous and got all of our fans. It's pretty cool. I'll explain in more detail another time" I told him and he nodded.

I pressed record on the camera then sat back next to Jai who had sat up as I talked.

"Hey guys! I haven't told you as of now who this is, but I probably would've told you before uploading this video. Just that's not right now... if that makes any sense. Anyway, this is my twin brother Jai. Now I seriously don't know anything about him or vice versa, so we're gonna play 20 questions" I grinned to the camera.

"You go first" Jai said.

"K. Let's start simple. What's your favourite colour?" I asked.

"Black. Yours?"

"Blue. What's your middle name?"

"Domenic. And I already know yours so what is a hobby of yours?"

"Photography. You?"

"Art. What's one of your fears?"

"Crossing roads. You?"

"Classic, spiders. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?"

"Hawaiiiiiii! What about you?"

"I don't know any other countries other than Australia. See how much no school has affected me?"

"You've never been to school..?"

"Nope. Not once. Linda had to teach me how to read and write"

"Damn. Ok then i'll ask a different question. Are you right or left handed?"

"Left handed. You?"

"Right handed. Uhmmm, favourite food?"

"Pasta? I dunno I haven't ever eaten much. Just bread and bread and pasta sometimes when just Linda was there"

"Woah sorry"

"It's fine. What's yours?"

"No idea. I'll say pasta. Uh what do you like the least about Beaujob?"

"Hahaha nothing, he's awesome"

"Pfft we're talking about Beau right?"

"Well what's your least favourite thing about him?"

"His jokes"



"What's the worst thing that has ever happened to you?"

"Being bullied at school. You?"

His eyes flicked towards the camera then back at me before answering.

"Uhm when dad stabbed me" he whispered, barely audible.

Dad stabbed him? What kind of a father would do that? Why did he do that? Jai didn't deserve that life. No one deserves that life.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled, wrapping my arms around him.

"It's ok, he's gone now. I've got you guys instead" he grinned.

"Well then if I ask you what the best thing that has ever happened in your life is, what would you say?" I asked.

"Meeting you" he smiled and I smiled back.

"I've run out of questions" I said after a while.

"Me too" he answered, slumping back against the wall.

"Well I think that's all. Hope you learnt a bit about Jai here. See you in the next videooooo!" I yelled at the camera, then I blew a kiss at the lense before turning it off. "Wanna sleep now?" I asked Jai.

"Yea" he nodded, pulling the duna over him.

"Night Jai" I smiled, kissing his forehead then climbing up to my own bed.

"Night Luke" I heard him mumble, but moments later I had fallen into a deep sleep.

- - - - -

So this wasn't really an important chapter, just 20 questions and stuff. But oh well hope it was alright :)

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Bella ✦

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