✍ School ✍

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Luke's POV:

I could tell Jai was nervous about going to school today. I mean, even I was nervous for him.

"Jai you need to eat something" I sighed, noticing that Jai hadn't even touched his toast.

"What's school like?" he asked quietly.

"It's like school... with teachers and students and classes" I replied.

"What are the teachers and students like?"

"Well some teachers are nice, some are ok, some are boring, some are annoying as fuck. Then the students... there's all types of students I guess"


"There are always bullies. But that doesn't mean they will bully you"

"What if they do? I'm too weak to stand up to bullies"

"Weak physically or mentally?"


"Well we can get you eating more, take you to the gym, and work on your mindset"

"K... but what about now? What if people bully me?"

"I'll be right by your side, and trust me I won't let anyone touch you"

"You don't even know me"

"So? I know you're my baby brother, and I will stand with you through thick and thin"

"I'm not your baby brother" he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yes you are!" I teased, pinching his cheeks with my fingers.

"Shove off" he chuckled, pushing my hands away.

"Never!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him and squeezing him tightly.

"Luke you're gonna knock me off the chair!" he laughed.

"That's ok, cos i'll always catch you" I grinned.

"You better" he snorted, and before I knew it we were on the kitchen floor.

"See, you fell on me" I pointed out.

"I'm half on you" he corrected.

"Eh whatever, have your breakfast then we gotta catch the bus" I told him.

He groaned then got to his feet, rubbing his shoulder as he sat back down in his seat. We finished breakfast then left the house, starting to walk to the bus stop. We got there just in time for the bus, and the Penola students already on it gave us both very confused looks.

"Luke! Jai!" James called as we stepped through the front gates.

"Hey" we both replied in unison, walking over to him and Skip.

"We gotta get Jai to the principal" Skip pointed out.

"Oh yea, cmon his office is over here" I said to Jai, grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the principal's office.

We got all of his stuff from the principal, then we were able to leave the office and make our way to homeroom.

"How the fuck am I supposed to read this?" Jai asked me as we sat down in our seats in homeroom, turning his timetable at all different angles.

"I'll help you don't worry" I chuckled, taking the paper from him. "Yea like I said before, we've got basically the same classes, well besides your electives" I told him, my eyes skimming over his listed classes.

I explained stuff to him about classes and breaks, then the bell for first period went and I dragged him to English.

"Yo Luke! And... Luke?" my classmate Jacob greeted, glancing between me and Jai, confusion written across his face.

"Jacob, this is my twin brother Jai. Jai, this is Jacob, he's in all of our classes" I introduced, and they both said hi to each other, even though Jacob was still looking confused. 

"Look who it is! Faggot Brooks! Who's this ey? You're faggot brother? Bit unfit ain't he?" another one of my classmates, Ben, sniggered, looking Jai up and down. 

"Fuck off Ben" I growled, stepping in front of Jai. 

"Ooooo you the big guy now? Gonna protect your little look-alike are you?" Ben asked. 

"I am not  letting you hurt him" I replied, glaring at him with as much hatred as I could muster. 

"Naw c'mon Brooks, it'll just be a punch... or several" he smirked, his eyes once again travelling up and down Jai. 

"You can punch me for all it's worth, just don't you dare touch him" I said through gritted teeth. 

"You've always been the stupid one haven't you?" he sighed, coming closer to me and Jai. 

"He hasn't done anything to you, hurt him and you die" I hissed as he stopped right in front of us. 

"Shut up Luke, you're just encouraging him" a voice whispered behind me. Jai. 

"I would listen to your brother, he doesn't seem as brainless as you" Ben said. 

"Fuck up" I growled. 

"Actually i'm beginning to like the sound of me threatening you" Ben snarled back, "but I think i'll enjoy the sound of him groaning in pain better".

"Don't you dare" I hissed, getting right up in his grill.

"Boys what's going on here?" the teacher asked, walking into the room. 

"Nothing Sir" Ben replied, glaring at me and Jai before sitting down in his seat. 

I huffed and grabbed Jai's hand, tugging him to my desk at the back of the room. 

"I'm sorry" I frowned. 

"He's a bully" he said, looking me dead in the eyes. 

"Yes, he's a bully" I sighed. 

"He's your bully" he continued. 

"I guess..." I said weirdly. 

"I don't want him to hurt you" he whispered. Wait what? Me? When was this about me? Isn't this about Ben hurting Jai?

"It doesn't matter if he hurts me, as long as you're safe" I answered softly.

"But it does matter if he hurts you, because that will hurt me also" 

"What do you mean?"

"If he hurts you, it will hurt me. I don't want to see you hurt" 

"You're the only thing that matters Jai, not me" 

"Just be careful" he mumbled. 

"I will be" I smiled, giving him a quick hug before turning to listen to the teacher's rambling. 

- - - - -

First day of schooool Hope it was an ok chapter x

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