☽ Gone ☽

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Luke's POV: 

"Let's go get ice blocks, it's so damn hot" Skip said as we walked down the street from the gym. 

"K then, Jenny's is just around the corner" Beau replied. 

We walked around the next corner onto the street with all the local shops, including Jenny's.

"Hi what can I get for you gentlemen?" the lady at the counter asked. 

"Uhh, i'll get a lemon calippo... you guys?" I asked the other boys. 

They all said the same but Jai didn't know what the fuck we were even talking about. 

"He'll have the same" I answered for him, and he gave me a small smile. 

The guy handed us each our callipos and Beau gave him the money, then we walked up the street again and around the corner back to Beau's car. 

"Should we stop at the park?" James asked, gesturing to the large park next to the gym. 

"Yea sure, we'll finish our calippos there then drive home" I nodded. 

We all walked to the park, me and Jai going straight to the swings while the other three sat on the bench. 

"Good?" I asked Jai and he sucked on his calippo. 

He nodded eagerly but didn't say a word, he was clearly enjoying it the callipo. 

"Wears the closest bin?" I asked, hopping off the swing when I was finished with my calippo. 

"On the other side of the park, don't worry i'll come too cos i'm finished" Beau replied. 

"Same" Skip and James said in unison. 

"Jai you ok here for a minute?" I asked my twin who was still happily swinging. 

"Mhmm" he nodded, not really paying attention. 

"K then" I said, and I went with the other three boys to the other side of the park where the bin was. 

We dropped our calippo wrapper thingys in the bin, then began to walk back. That's when I realised that Jai was no longer on the swing. He must've gone to sit on the bench or something, which was hidden behind a massive tree. We got back to where we were before and Jai wasn't on the bench, in fact, he was nowhere in sight. 

"Jai?!" I exclaimed, starting to panick. 

"Luke calm down, he's probably gone back to the car" Beau told me, but he didn't sound 100% positive. 

We walked back to the car, well I ran but the others walked, and Jai wasn't there either. 

"He's not here!" I yelled, running back to the slow-ass-walkers. 

"Well where could he be?" James asked. 

"I don't know" I replied, my heart rate quickening. 

"Let's go back to the park and see if he's there" Skip suggested nervously and I nodded, running ahead again to the park. 

I walked over to the swing he was on, and bent down to pick up a slip of paper sitting on the seat of the swing. 

I've taken your little Jai home, don't worry, he'll be safe with me ;)

- Dad 

"NO!" I screamed, stumbling over to the boys and stuffing the note into Beau's hands. 

They all read over it and stared back up at me with wide eyes. 

"I don't understand..." Skip said. 

"Your dad was here? What did he mean he was taking Jai home? Where did Jai eve- oh. Ohhhh. I get it now" James whispered. 

"I don't care if you get it or not, we have to find Jai. I have to find Jai!" I exclaimed, tears welling up in my eyes. 

"No don't cry" Beau frowned, embracing me in a hug. 

"Dad's taken him Beau. What if I never see him again? I won't be able to live with myself" I sobbed, letting the tears slowly roll down my cheeks. 

"We'll find him and get him back. His home is with us, and we will bring him home as soon as we can" he whispered in my ear soothingly, then he released me to face James. 

"I'll call the police" James said, bringing his phone out of his pocket. I wish Jai had a phone, because then we'd be able to call him. 

James told the police department what had happened, and they began a search of the area, I mean he can't have gone far unless dad was speeding. Wait but he lived in Sydney, didn't he have to catch a plane? 

"What if they don't find him? What if dad escapes? What if I lose my twin brother for ever?" I cried out, and Beau brought me into yet another hug. 

"We'll find him Luke, stay positive" he muttered. 

"How can I stay positive if Jai is lost? How can I stay positive if my twin brother is gone" I whimpered, gripping onto him even tighter. 

- - - - -

Aaaaand Mark Brooks is back in town ;) Hope the chapter was okkkk x

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Bella ☽

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