☯ Twins ☯

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Jai's POV:

"We're here Jai" Linda's soft voice interrupted my sleep, and I opened my eyes to her face.

She moved away and I unbuckled my seatbelt nervously, climbing out of the car and collecting my small bag from the seat beside me. I didn't have much, just a few clothes and my diary. Linda walked to the front door and knocked, while I stayed at the car, biting my nails and staring at the door.

It opened a second later revealing a beautiful brunette woman wearing a wide smile. She hugged Linda then looked my way. Linda gestured for me to come over, so I slowly walked to the two women and was immediately engulfed in a hug by the unfamiliar lady.

"Welcome home Jai. I'm Gina, your mum" she said, giving me a warm smile which I returned weakly.

"Mum who was at the door?!" a boy's voice yelled from inside the house, and an older boy appeared next to Gina. He had tanned skin, brown hair and striking green eyes.

"Beau, meet Jai, Jai, this is your older brother Beau" Gina introduced.

So that's how you pronounced it.

"Hey bro" he grinned, giving me a soft hug.

"Hey" I replied quietly.

Had he noticed how skinny I was under these clothes? I mean the clothes were loose so they didn't reveal my actual size, but when I was hugged the other person would be able to feel my exact frame. That must have been why it was such a soft hug. He treated me like I was something fragile. Which I was, as much as I hate to admit it. 

"Would you like a drink?" Gina asked Linda.

"No I must be going" Linda replied with a smile. Without hesitation, I pulled her into a long hug.

"Thank you for everything, I couldn't have survived without you" I said, stepping away from her finally.

"That's exactly why I stayed with you. Now be good for your mother here, get healthy and strong and handsome Jai" she replied, and I gave her another hug before she left.

"Come inside and meet Luke" Gina said with a smile, ushering me into the house.

"How old are you?" I asked Beau.

"18" he replied, not bothering to ask how old I was. Ok then.

"How old is Luke?" I questioned.

"He doesn't know" he said suddenly to Gina.

"Well then he'll find out soon enough" she muttered and I gave them both a confused look.

"So how old is he-" I began to ask again but I stopped when I noticed a boy at the door of the stairs. He look exactly the same as me. Well not exactly, because he looked healthier and fitter, but he had the same face and everything. We just stared at each other, not saying a word until Beau broke the silence.

"He's exactly the same age as you" he mumbled.

Luke was my twin. I had a twin this whole time. I have a twin. We continued to stare at each other, me with my mouth slightly agape. He didn't seem as shocked as me, so he had probably already known I was his twin.

"So are you going to keep staring at each other or do I have to force a hi from one of your mouths?" Beau joked and I shut my mouth finally.

"Hey" Luke said softly. Holy shit he's speaking to me. Why am I overreacting? He's my brother for heaven's sake. My twin brother might I add, so this reaction was quite necessary. 

"Hi" I replied, and before I knew what was happening he was hugging me.

"Oh my God I can't believe this is happening" he whispered, hugging me still.

"Nor can I. You're- we're- you're my twin" I managed to say, hugging him back tightly. Well as tight as I could, which wasn't very tight considering my weak arms.

I felt something cold and wet on my neck. Was he crying? I pulled out of the hug to see tears running down his cheeks. I smiled and brushed them away with my thumb, embracing him once again.

"There's no need to cry" I said into his shoulder.

"There's every reason to cry. Welcome home brother" he sniffed and I felt my heart warm at those words.

I was finally home. Where my true family was. Where my mother is. Where my older brother is. Where my twin is.

- - - - -

Ayyyyyy and the twins are finally united! I liked this chapter, hope you did as well :)))

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Bella ☯

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