? What ?

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Jai's POV:

With a last glance at the cupboard standing in the corner of the room, I walked with mum downstairs, dad right behind us. I heard a voice upstairs in my room and pretended to have a coughing fit so dad wouldn't hear. Could they keep their voices down? I swear they were going to get themselves killed.

"Shut up mutt" dad scowled at me and I shot him a glare. I stopped my coughs and sighed with relief when I didn't hear any more voices upstairs. "Get something from the pantry to eat, beans or something, I couldn't care less, I'm going out for dinner with my colleagues, when I get back later you will be in your rooms sleeping got it?".

"What time do you think you'll be home?" I dares to ask.

"Late! Don't ask me questions faggot!" he yelled and I squeezed my eyes shut at his harsh tone.

When I opened them again, he was standing by the door, pulling on a leather jacket. With no goodbye, he left the house, locking the door behind him. He had changed the locks in the door so that it could only be locked and unlocked from the outside, and there was only one key, which was in dad's pocket.

"Is he gone?" James' voice called out from somewhere in the house and I cursed under my breath, if dad had still been in the house when he yelled that, R.I.P.

"Yes! All of you come into the living room!" Gina shouted, and a second later James and Skip were standing in front of us.

"Beau? Luke? Come downstairs!" I yelled, but I didn't hear any footsteps, then all of a sudden there was a loud thump, someone groaned, and then the sound of people tackling arose.

"The fuck?" Skip asked as we all walked towards the stairs. Without warning, two boys came tumbling down them, another standing at the top of the staircase shaking his head.

The two boys landed at the bottom of the stairs, and continued to throw punches at each other. I recognised one of them as Luke and the other one as-

"Ben?" James questioned, looking as shocked as I felt.

"Idiots" Beau grumbled, walking down the stairs and trying to tear the boys apart. Skip and I helped him as well, until finally Luke was being held back by me and Beau, while Skip handled Ben.

"One, what the actual fuck are you doing here? And two, why did you both nearly knock each other out?" James asked, staring at both boys incredulously.

"We walked out of the cupboard and this douche was standing there in the room, holding Jai's diary or whatever it is" Luke panted.

"Well why are you even here?" I asked Ben, releasing Luke because he had calmed down.

"I was in Sydney for the week, cos I was taking it off school and spending some time at my grandparents' place, then I saw these fags creeping to this house like they thought they were bloody CSI agents. So I followed them in here, and hid in the bathroom next to whatever room Luke and this other loony were hiding in. Then there was all this talking and shit, so I stayed where I was until I heard all these footsteps going downstairs, I thought you were all gone so I went into the room and spotted the book on the bed, then I picked it up and started to read. So then two guys just came out of the cupboard like it was super normal, then Luke here had a good hard stare, and all of a sudden he was punching me, so I fought back. Now for my question, where the fuck are we and why are y'all here like there's some murderer that just left?" Ben rambled and no one said anything, just stared at him with wide eyes.

"Well... We're in a man's house who could possibly kill all of us if he got back and saw us all standing here. So we should probably get out of here as quick as possible" I said bluntly.

"K I'm leaving then" he grunted, walking to the door and placing his hand on the knob, when all of a sudden *zap* he jumped back from the door and gave us a shocked expression. Did I forget to mention that the doorknob zapped you when it's been locked? No? Well now you know.

"What the fuck?!" Ben exclaimed.

"Um, yea we can't go out the front door, or the back door. Bit unfortunate really, the windows are ok, but that dude I was talking about has cameras set up all outside" I explained casually.

"What kind of a freak lives here?!" he spluttered.

"A freak that we really need to escape from, so with this time we have, let's try figure out some sort of way we can leave" Beau said.

"I've tried a lot of ways" I pointed out.

"Do you know where the cameras are worked from?" he asked.

"Probably in dad's room, which we can't get in to" I sighed.

"Well let's find a way" Luke huffed, walking towards the staircase.

He stopped and turned, making direct eye contact with me. "You coming?" he asked. Staring back at him, I nodded and we all followed him upstairs.

- - - - -

It was Ben XD Soooooo the whole of the next chapter is most likely going to be dedicated to them escaping the house, and we'll just have to see what happens after that ;) Love yous x

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