✰ Happy ✰

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Luke's POV:

Jai almost instantly fell asleep, but I lay awake, listening to his heavy breaths. I heard the door to the ward open and close, then the two people began walking to my bed.

"Luke baby, I cannot explain how relieved I am" mum gushed as she ran to my side of the bed and suddenly started planting kisses all over my face.

"Muuum" I sighed, nudging her away slightly.

"Sorry, i'm just so glad you're ok" she replied, stepping back and sitting on a chair.

"Hey you, don't scare me like that again ok?" Beau said, a small smile on his face as he ruffled my hair.

"K, as long as you let me sleep" I shot back, re-adjusting my arms around Jai.

"Yes we all need our sleep, this has been one hell of a night" mum agreed, covering her mouth with her hand as she yawned.

"I'll drop the boys home then we'll go home yea?" Beau asked.

"Ok. Shall we wake Jai up? I don't think he's allowed to sleep in Luke's bed overnight" mum said, biting her lip.

"Let him stay. Please please please?" I pleaded, putting a pout on my face and widening my eyes in hopes of persuading her easier.

"Ok ok, he can stay here. I'll be over straight in the morning to visit ok?" she asked, giving into my oh-so-adorable puppy face.

"M'kay" I mumbled, burying my face into the crook of Jai's neck and closing my eyes.

"Night night" mum whispered, kissing both our foreheads, then leaving the ward with Beau.

- - - - -

"Wakey wakey sleeping beauty!" Jai sung and I opened my eyes slightly to see his face right in front of mine.

"What time is it?" I asked croakily.

"8:40! I'm not supposed to be here, visiting hours start at 9" he replied giddily, shuffling backwards in the bed so he wasn't as close to my face as before.

"Why are you so happy?" I chuckled, sitting up and watching as Jai did the same.

"Because you're alive, we're all safe, and dad's been arrested!" he exclaimed, bouncing up and down in the bed.

"How do you know that?" I questioned, his contagious grin starting to appear on my own face.

"It was on the news" he answered, pointing to the television directly in front of my bed, on the opposite side of the ward.

"Whooo! He's gone! He's no more! We're free!" I yelled out, ecstatic at the news.

"Promise when we get out of here, we can go get ice cream to celebrate?" he asked.

"Pinky promise!" I shouted, sticking up my pinky. I didn't care that we weren't 7 anymore, we were now free from dad, which meant we could be as happy as we wanted.

Jai grinned and curled his pinky finger around mine, shook it, then dropped it again, bouncing out of the bed just as a doctor walked in.

"What is this?" she asked incredulously, watching as I lept out of bed also, grabbing Jai's hands and swinging them around in the air as if we were partying.

"Doctor Clarke! Come celebrate with us! He's gone! We're freeeee!" Jai squealed, jumping up and down with me, his face alight with joy.

"That's quite enough, Luke your breakfast is here" she said, looking highly amused at our actions, and placing a tray of food on my bedside table.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed, going to the food as I was absolutely starving. When I had wolfed my breakfast down, mum, Beau, Skip and James entered the room, looking almost as happy as me and Jai.

"Did you see the news?!" Jai asked, jumping up from the bed after he had sat down.

"Yes! He's been arrested! I got the option to press charges and I agreed, we're finally rid of him!" mum yelled out happily. Giving both me and Jai a bear hug. The boys all followed suit, hugging us until neither of us could breathe. Well almost.

"Mum when do I get out of here?" I asked.

"Well your wounds are still healing obviously, so a week or so maybe?" she replied.

"A whole week?! Ugh what a bore. I have to wait a week till ice cream" I groaned.

"Oh well! It's just a week, then we can get our ice creams" Jai grinned, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"What's this talk about ice cream?" Daniel asked.

"You're not invited! Me and Jai only!" I teased, sticking my tongue out. I promise i'm 16...

"Well ima crash your ice cream party!" Beau shouted back.

"Keep your voices down" mum ordered, but she was wasting her breath, we were all too happy to keep our voices down.

"Fine, you can all come" I sighed and Jai laughed as the boys whooped.

I have crazy friends. Very, very, crazy friends. But i'm just as crazy, so i've got absolutely no problem. No problems at all.

- - - - -

Mark has been arrested whooooo! This book will be ending soon :(( But i'm going to start writing another book about the Brooks twins for you soooon xx

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