✈︎ Airport ✈︎

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Jai's POV: 

All I remember was sitting on the swing, watching the boys disappear to the opposite side of the park, then suddenly a cloth was put over my face and in 2 seconds I was out cold. 

- - - - -

"Ok we're nearly at the airport, now how do we get him across security and onto the plane if he's asleep?" a voice asked. 

"He'll wake up soon, so it should be easy" 

"And how do we know he won't scream for security?"

"Because he won't. He's a gutless little shit, he wouldn't have the courage to yell for help" a dauntingly familiar voice grunted. 

"But won't people notice him struggling?" 

"Shut up! He's awake" the familiar voice said and the other voices stopped talking.

I didn't want to open my eyelids and give them the satisfaction of seeing the panic and fright in my eyes. But eventually I opened them ever so slightly to peer at my kidnappers.

There was a man on either side of me, and a third in the front seat, driving the vehicle that I was trapped in. Neither of the men next to me looked in any way familiar, but the man driving, I knew exactly who he was.

"He thinks we can't see him watching us" the man on my right laughed coolly.

"Who are you?" I asked the two men in the backseat with me.

"Jaidon, meet Max and Tyran" my father introduced. 

"Nice to meet you" I muttered sarcastically.

"I see you've grown a bit, been stealing food from shops? Been to the gym eh?" Dad asked bitterly.

It was true, I had been eating actual meals three times a day, meaning I had nearly grown to my normal size, then going to the gym with the boys a couple of times means gaining a bit of muscle, soooo yea my appearance has definitely changed, even if I wasn't away for very long at all. 

"Are you going to answer me?" my father growled, still keeping his focus on the road.

"Mhm" I hummed and the guy on my left, Max, whacked the back of my head with his hand. "What the fuck was that for?!" I exclaimed. 

"I see you've learnt how to speak as well" dad commented, raising an eyebrow. 

"Well without your ass in the picture I managed to gain at least an ounce of confidence" I hissed.

"I believe it was your ass who left the picture, not mine. And to join your brothers it looked like" 

"Yea, because they're actually humane, not evil" 

"Is that so? And you were with them for what... a week? Half a week maybe?" 

"Nearly a week. Until you decided to turn up and ruin it" 

"Now now, I haven't ruined it"

"Um, yes you have. You kidnapped me from my brothers who are now going to be worried sick, unless they never really cared about me in the first place" 

"I'd say they never really cared about you in the first place. I dunno, it just doesn't seem right that a person should care about you very much" 

"You should be awarded father of the year"

"Thank you, it's nice to know i'm appreciated" 

"Why the fuck did you take me?" 

"Because you don't belong there, you belong with me" 

"I think I belong with my mother, not you" 

"Ah now that's where you're right, so I made a few changes in the house. Linda has disappeared to somewhere that I don't care about, but guess who I chose to replace her?" 


"Your mother of course. So we'll be a nice happy family again. Just without the happy" 

"You son of a bitch! You can't fucking take Gina from her home and bring her to your hell! You don't deserve her! You don't deserve anyone! Fucking let her go and you can beat me up as much as you want!" 

"We both know that's not going to happen" 

"Don't hurt her! You can punch me and kick me and cut me or whatever, but don't hurt her" 

"When did I say I was going to hurt her? But sure if you want more punishment then that can be arranged" 

"You motherfucker. There's no way in hell that you're going to get away with this" 

"One of you shut him up" my father sighed, and suddenly there was a searing pain in my head. Tyran or whatever his name is, had punched me on the side of the head. Was his aim to knock me out? Because that doesn't appear to be working out for him. 

"Ok boys, we're here. Now Jaidon, you will come with me in silence, and act completely natural you understand?" dad asked me, glaring into my eyes with hatred. 

"Sorry, no can do" I replied, staring back with an equal amount of loathing, if not more. 

"Unless you want Gina to be punished in your place of course...?" he said, a sick grin appearing on his face. 

"You wouldn't" I murmured. 

"Oh but I would" he answered, still grinning. 

I didn't reply to that, just followed them out of the car and through the airport where we met with a few other guys and a woman. It took me like fifty years to finally make eye contact with the woman, and as soon as I did I could see the fear running through every vein. Tears stuck to her eyelashes, while others slowly rolled down her cheeks. 

"I'm so sorry mum" I whispered to myself as I was nudged towards the gate for our plane back to Sydney. 

- - - - -

Holaaa! I'm back with a new chapter for y'all, sorry it was a day or so later than usual, but school ended on Friday and ever since i've been watching Teen Wolf on my bed stuffing myself with chocolate. I know, heaven. 

But anyway, I hope the chapter was gooood, we'll have to see what the boys do about their missing brother and mother :3

Oh, and Jai called her mum for the first time :) Progresss x

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Bella ✈︎

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