♣︎ Beanie ♣︎

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Hola! I am so so so sorry :( I've been kinda busy this past week, and I've also had writer's block (the painnn) so I haven't been able to update for you lovely people, but here's a new chapter for you beautiful people whoop!! Ok, enjoyyy :)

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Jai's POV:

It's been 2 days since dad knocked me out after I sassed him at breakfast, so that means we've been in this hell hole for 5 days, almost a week. My weight has dropped considerably, because dad has literally fed me nothing except a slice of bread each day. I've stopped being a smart ass to him, and have just resigned to staying silent. At the moment I'm just sitting on my bed, staring at the wall, I should probably fill my diary in since the day I got to mum's place, I haven't written about any of that yet, and it will make me happy to remember it.

My diary was at home, so I just found a pencil and some paper, then began to write. After a while I caught myself doodling a picture on the side of the pages, so I decided to draw some random stuff on the next few pages to fill my time.

"Jai sweetie" a soft voice spoke from the door and Gina walked in.

"Hi" I smiled as I looked up from the paper.

"Whatcha doing?" she asked, as if we weren't in a house with a psychopathic monster that happened to be my father and her ex husband.

"Drawing" I replied shortly.

"May I see?" she questioned, stepping closer. Since coming here, both of us had been very timid, in case we did something wrong or dad decided to beat me.

"Sure" I handed her the sketches and she admired each of them with a small smile on her face.

"You're a good artist" she commented, handing back the sketches.

"Thanks... How are you?" I asked, moving over so she could sit down.

"I'm fine, what's important is you. He doesn't beat me nearly as much as he beats you" she sighed.

"I'm alright, I'd be ten times worse if he gave you equal beatings, it would kill me just to see you hurting so much" I muttered.

"Not as much as it kills me to see you being treated like a punchbag" she admitted.

"I'm used to it" I shrugged.

"You shouldn't be. You shouldn't even know the feeling. You don't deserve this, I'm sorry" she whispered.

"That's what everyone keeps saying. But I'm strong, I survive, it's ok for now"

"I know, and I'm so proud of you for being strong"

"Where's dad?"

"He's out, he'll be back in a few minutes probably"

"I wish we could just run away, but he's got cameras outside, can you believe it?"

"I'm honestly not surprised"

"Surprised about what?" A deep voice asked and dad strolled onto the room.

"I'm not surprised that you're still as good looking as before" Gina lied weakly.

"You're an awful liar, but I'll let it go due to the compliment" dad scoffed.

"Mark wh-" Gina's sentence was suddenly cut off by a smash downstairs.

"Who the fuck is that?" dad scowled, glaring at the two of us as we stared back, confused.

Dad walked out of the room and we both followed him downstairs into the moving room. The windows was smashed completely, and there was something black and white lying on the floor.

I walked over to it and picked it up, suddenly realising that it was the panda beanie that Luke gave me last week. But that must mean... Oh shit.

"Luke" I whispered in annoyance, Luke was going to get hurt being here.

"What did you say boy?" dad asked, stepping next to me.

"Huh? Oh, nothing" I mumbled, quickly stuffing the beanie into my pocket.

"Who's in the house?!" he shouted, staring around the room as I made eye contact with Gina.

She stared at me in horror as I mouthed Luke to her.

"Maybe they ran?" she suggested to dad.

"Go into one of the bedrooms, I'll find whoever the fuck is hiding in here" he growled and we both scurried upstairs to my room.

"How do you know it's Luke?" Gina asked as I shut the door.

"His beanie that he gave to me was on the floor" I said, taking the beanie out of my pocket.

"Dumbass" a voice whispered, followed by a small yelp.

I walked to my empty cupboard and opened the door to Beau and Luke, both staring at me with wide eyes.

"What. The. Fuck?"

- - - - -

Guess who's back
Back again
Bella's back
From the dead

For some reason that made me think of Bella from twilight lol. Anyways, heyooo! Like I said at the beginning, I've been kinda busy this past week, and I've also had writer's block (the painnn) so I haven't been able to update for you lovely people, but here's a new chapter whoop! I'll try [key word try] to update as much as possible these next few weeks, but I'll be with family a lot and goin to the beach (I live in Australia - Summery Christmas yaya!) so they won't be as frequent as before, when I get back to school they'll most likely go back to normal because I'll be all settled down again and the first few weeks of school don't have exams and blah. Anyways, hope this chapter was ok :)

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