✚ Hospital ✚

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*Long chaptaa*

Jai's POV:

Gina grabbed my hand tightly as we stepped into the bak of the van, where Luke lay on a metal bench thing in the middle. We sat down on two of the seats there, then a medic came in after us and sat on the opposite side of Luke from us. The doors were closed, and after a moment, the vehicle started moving.

"You're his mother and brother?" the medic, a young brunette woman, asked us.

"Yes, he has an older brother also who's following" Gina replied softly.

"And your names?" the lady questioned.

"Gina Brooks, and this is Jai" Gina introduced.

"Nice to meet you, well not in these circumstances but... anyway, i'm Doctor Clarke" she replied, sticking out a hand for us to shake.

We shook it then sat in silence for a few minutes, well if you don't count the deafening sound of the siren going off above us, then yea, silence.

"Was he your twin?" Dr Clarke asked me, gazing at my face then down at Luke's pale one. I flinched at the past tense that she used, and felt Gina squeeze my hand tighter.

"Yea" I answered, giving a small nod then looking down at my brother.

If I didn't know that there was a tiny pulse going right now, I would've believe that he was dead. I shuddered as that word entered my thoughts. Dead. If Luke had died when dad stabbed him, I don't know what I would have done. I probably would have clung to his body for as long as I could, before breaking down for the 100th time. The medics said that he has a chance if they reach the hospital quickly, and I found myself wishing that they would hurry up, even though they were already speeding through the streets as fast as possible.

"We're here" Dr Clarke said a little while later, and then suddenly everything was mayhem. Gina and I were rushed out of the van, then medics came out of no where to get Luke into the hospital and straight to surgery.

We waited out in the hallway for the others to get here, and when they arrived I was more than shocked to see Ben with them.

"What's he doing here?" I asked Beau, looking weirdly at Ben.

"He wanted to come" Beau shrugged and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but whatever, it's not important.

"So what's happening now?" James questioned, sitting in the plastic seat next to me.

"He's having surgery, so we have to wait" I sighed, my leg bouncing up and down in anticipation.

"How long do they think it will take?" Beau then asked.

"No idea" Gina answered, looking exhausted. Neither of us had slept normally since we got to dad's place, so we were both really tired.

- - - - -

"Luke Brooks?" a doctor called out and we all shot to our feet.

"I'm his mother. What is it? Is he ok? Can we see him?" Gina asked all in a rush as the doctor walked over to us.

"Calm down ma'am. The surgery went smoothly, he's still under the general anesthetics so he will be sleeping for a few more minutes. You are able to visit him, however only immediate family for the moment. He's on floor B, room 32 so-" I didn't listen to the rest of her speech because I was already half way to the stairs.

I ran up them, two at a time until I reached the second floor, then I ran along the corridor counting the numbers as I went. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, "32!" I yelled out, not to anyone in particular, mostly just out of joy.

I pushed open the door and noticed that Luke had a room all to himself. I slowed to a walk as I made my way to the end of the room where Luke was. When I finally spotted him and rushed to the side of the bed, noticing that he already looked much better than before.

"Thank God" I whispered to myself, sitting on one of the chairs next to his bed and taking his hand softly.

"Jai?" Luke mumbled, his eyes fluttering open in confusion.

"Luke!" I exclaimed, and his eyes shot to mine.

"Where am I?" he asked, letting his eyes then wonder around the room.

"In hospital. Dad stabbed you remember? You nearly... you nearly died" I whispered the last part and his eyes widened, probably remembering what had happened.

He lifted up his duna and looked at his stomach, which now had a large bandage wrapped around it.

"Ugh i'm such an idiot!" he shouted, squeezing his eyes shut in frustration.

"Well you're fine now. We're safe. Dad ran when no one was looking. He's gone for now" I told him, watching as his body relaxed again, his hand still holding tight to mine.

"How long am I going to be here?" he asked.

"No idea, mum's probably asking about that right now" I replied, shifting my position to the side of Luke's bed, my legs dangling over the edge.

"You called her mum" he smiled, his eyes glinting happily.

"I've called her mum a couple of times already, but I think it's settled in now" I replied.

"Good" he nodded, before lapsing into a comfortable silence. "What's the time?" he asked after several minutes.

"1am or something I think" I answered, trying to remember when I last checked the time.

"I'm tired" he stated, then proved his point by yawning loudly.

I chuckled, "I can see that. I'll let you sleep then". I stood up from the bed, before suddenly being yanked back down by Luke.

"No. Stay" he mumbled, shuffling over to one side of the bed and patting the empty space. I hesitated for a moment, then gave up and lay down on my side, facing away from him. Luke pulled the duna up over both of our bodies then wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Does it hurt?" I asked, implying his injury.

"No, I'm feeling too happy" he mumbled back and I cracked a smile.

"Why am I always the little spoon?" I joked after a few moments.

"Because you're baby Brooks, we've already established this" he huffed, pretending to be irritated.

"Shut up" I laughed, closing my eyes and cuddling more into Luke.

"I love you Jai" he murmured, letting out a sigh of satisfaction.

"I love you too Luke" I replied softly, finally falling into a much-deserved slumber.

- - - - -

Awhhhasdfghjkl sorry I loved the fluff at the end lol :3 So LUKE IS OK yey :) And ik this kinda seems like the end of the book, but it's not! So don't leave just yet ;)

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