♘ Let's Do This ♘

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Beau's POV: 

"Luke i'm home!" I called out, walking into the house and dropping my keys on the dining table next to my jacket. "Luke?" I asked loudly. No response. I won't be surprised if he's fallen asleep. He had hardly slept for the last three nights. 

Grumbling under my breath, I began walking up the staircase, but suddenly froze when the sound of crying reached my ears. 

"Luke...?" I questioned, stepping into his and Jai's room to find him sprawled across Jai's bed, tears rolling down his pale cheeks as he cuddled Jai's pillow. "Oh Luke" I sighed sadly, walking over to him and sitting on the mattress next to him. 

"I'm fine" he mumbled, turning his head to face the wall, with his cheek pressed against the pillow.  

"Luke, even the most gullible person on the planet wouldn't believe that. Do you wanna talk?" I asked quietly. 

"No" he replied, avoiding my eye contact. 

"Luke they will find him and mum. I promise you that we will get them back. And I will never break that promise" I whispered, gently brushing curls off of his face. 

"But what if you we don't get them back?" he croaked, finally looking into my eyes. 

"We will get them back Luke. Don't think for a second that we won't" I said, staring into his pained eyes. 

He didn't reply, just sat up and wrapped his arms around my torso, burying his face into the crook of my neck. We sat in silence for a few minutes, before I spoke again. 

"You really care about him don't you?" I whispered into his hair. 

"Of course I do, he's my brother" he mumbled back. 

"I know that, but you really care about him. You've barely known him a week and you care about him more than me or even mum" 

"I don't just care about him. I love him" 

"Awh you're so cute" I teased. 

"Shut up" he replied, pulling away from the hug. 

"You should sleep. I know that you have hardly been sleeping these past three nights. I hear you in the kitchen and walking around your room" I said. 

"Ok" was all he replied with, laying back down on Jai's bed and closing his eyes. 

I bent down, kissing his forehead, then got up and left the room. I got out my phone and sent a text on the group chat we had with the boys. 

Me - Boys, i'm going to Sydney

Skip - Im sorry what?!

James - Bro, the police will find them, u don't have to fly down there as well

Me - Yes I do. For Luke

James - Well then im coming with u

Skip - Me too

Beau - No. Ur going to stay here

James - Not ur choice, we're coming

Skip - When do we leave?

Me - Ur srs about this?

James - Ofc

Skip - Very srs, now answer the question

Me - Tonight. Idk what im going to do with Luke tho

James - Hes not coming?

Me - No way

Skip - U cant leave him here alone, plus, he will kill u when he finds out u left to rescue them without him

Me - What else am i supposed to do?

James - Bring him with us

Me - There is no way in hell im bringing him with us

Skip - What would u prefer?  Bringing him with us to help us find Gina and Jai, or be murdered by him when we come back home? :)

Me - Fine we'll bring him, come over when ur ready

I shut off my phone and went to the freezer to find something that I could microwave for dinner. Once it was ready I woke up Luke and we ate in silence, before I told him where we were going tonight. He seemed shocked at first, but then didn't say anything at all until Skip and James turned up. 

"Sooo what are we actually going to do?" James asked. 

"I booked tickets for the 11pm flight to Sydney when I was waiting for dinner to cook, so we have to leave like now" I replied. 

"And what do we do once we get there?" Skip questioned. 

"We track mum's phone" I smirked, voicing the idea that I had got while comforting Luke. 

"Let's do this" Luke breathed and I grinned. 

- - - - -

Sooo the boys have decided to act, apparently the police are shit at their job XD Some brotherly love at da beginning as well :)

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Bella ♘

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