☁︎ Hugs ☁︎

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Jai's POV:

"No. No please. I won't do it again, i'm sorry. Please no" I whimpered, as my father pushed his fist into my stomach, making me kneel over in pain.

"What *punch* gave you *punch* the idea *punch* that you *punch* could steal *punch* my food *punch* from my pantry *punch* and get away with it?" he seethed, punching me all over my body.

"I-I'm sorry" I mumbled, but I didn't bother saying anything else because I knew it wouldn't make any difference.

"You're lucky I don't kill you!" he yelled, slamming my head against the floor, causing my vision to slowly fade into darkness.

"Jai wake up!" a faint voice shouted.


"Wake up Jai!" the voice said again, wait that wasn't Linda's voice...

"JAI!" Luke exclaimed and I jerked awake.

I was drenched in sweat, and shaking from head to toe. It was just a dream. All just a dream.

"You were crying" Luke said.

"I'm s-sorry" I stuttered.

"Why are you sorry?" he asked, sitting down next to me on the bed.

"For waking you up" I mumbled.

"I'm glad you woke me up, because then I could stop your nightmare" he smiled.

"Thank you" I muttered, playing with my fingers.

"Was he in the dream?" he questioned nervously and I nodded.

He didn't ask any more questions about the dream, instead he pulled me into a tight hug, stopping my body from shaking.

"I'm so sorry Jai" he said, his voice muffled by my shoulder.

"You don't have to be sorry. You didn't tell him to treat me the way he did. You didn't even know that I existed" I replied.

"I don't care. I'm still sorry" he whispered, rocking me back and forth.

I had never been hugged like this. Never. This hug made me feel special and loved. It made me realise how much I needed my family, and especially Luke. He barely knew me, yet here he was hugging me like I was the most precious person in the world. Finally after a few minutes he let me go and I already missed the feeling. I expected him to climb the ladder back up to his own bed, but instead he shimmied under my duna and rested his head next to mine.

"We'll sleep now" he smiled, wrapping one arm around my torso and closing his eyes.

I smiled also, snuggling closer into his stomach and almost instantly falling asleep.

- - - - -

"Awh! Mum come look at this!" a voice whisper-shouted, and I heard footsteps enter the room.

"Awh that's so sweet" another voice cooed.

"I'm making a keek. Ok, hey guys i'm whispering because there are two sleeping babies in the room. Look how cute they are!" the first voice said quietly, I could tell that it was Beau now. And what the fuck is a keek?

I opened my eyes slowly to see Gina and Beau staring at me. Why were they staring at me? Why were they cooing before? Why is there a heavy weight on my waist? Ohhhh, I remember now. The nightmare and then the hugging then the falling asleep in the same bed. So that's what they're calling cute.

"Baby Brooks is awakening!" Beau exclaimed, facing his phone at me. Was 'keek' short for filming a video or something? Is that what the videos on youtube are called? Keeks?

"Baby Brooks?" I asked, chuckling a bit.

"Well you're two minutes younger than Luke" Gina replied. Ohh ok.

"So you're the baby of the family!" Beau grinned, not bothering to keep quiet anymore even though Luke was still sleeping.

"Luke is supposed to be going to school today, but i'll let him take the day off so he can show you around. Beau and I have to go to work" Gina said.

"Ok" I smiled.

"Lukeypoo wake up and make breakfast for baby Brooks!" Beau ordered loudly and Luke's eyes shot open.

He looked confused, probably because he could only see my face at the moment. He smiled at me and I returned it before he sat up, looking at Beau.

"What's the time?" he questioned.

"7am, but you don't need to rush, i'm letting you off school today so you both can get to know each other more and you can show him around. Sound good?" Gina replied.

"Sounds great. What do you want for breakfast?" he then asked, looking back at me.

"I get to choose something for breakfast?" I answered. Normally dad just forced a slice of toast into my hand and sent me back to my room.

"Of course. How about pancakes?" he offered.

"Pancakes? What the hell are pancakes?" I asked.

"Man you have not lived yet" he said, getting out of the bed. "By the way, can you two please stop staring at us like we're newborn puppies?".

He was talking about Gina and Beau who were still at the door, watching us both in awe.

"Sorry. I need to go to work now, so have a good day, stay safe, Luke don't do anything you shouldn't" Gina said and Luke rolled his eyes.

She kissed both of our foreheads, then Beau's, then she left the room.

"Well I gotta go so byeee!" Beau grinned, leaving also.

"Pancakes?" Luke asked.

"Pancakes" I replied with a small smile.

- - - - -

Just a bit of Jake cuteness :3 Hope you liked it x

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Bella ☁︎

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