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I feel like every second chapter im apologising for my absence :/ But here I am once again, apologising to you for not updating in a week and a half for you amazing people :( I sent a message to my followers that I would be at a camp all last week, but what I forgot was that I was going away for a few days after that, with no wifi or internet. So i'm finally home and won't be going away for a while :) From now on if I don't update in awhile, trust me I have a good reason, but I wont say the reason every single time otherwise it will get annoying, which it probably already is. Ok, now you can read on :) 


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Jai's POV:

"Lukeyyy!" I cheered as I raced to my twin's bed.

"Heya" he smiled, patting a spot on the bed which I immediately sat down on.

"It's been like days and days!" I exclaimed, my eyes drinking in every detail of his expression, wanting to be positive that he was ok.

"Correction, 14 hours" he chuckled, as the rest of the boys came up to Luke's bed also. 

"That's days and days!" I protested.

"Ok ok whatever you say" he laughed, holding up his hands in surrender.

"Jeez haven't you missed me? Huh? Don't you love me?" I asked jokingly, a pout slowly forming on my lips.

"Of course I love you!" he squealed, sitting up fully and squeezing me into a very tight hug.

"Gay!" Beau shouted and Luke broke the hug to flip him off.

"Just because you don't have a twin, doesn't mean you gotta be all rude to us" I frowned at my older brother, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yea. It's not our problem that you were born a loner" Luke added, jutting out his bottom lip and also crossing his arms. 

"Such cunts" Beau mumbled, but we heard it vaguely. 

"Well as a little kid, I took after you. You know what that means? You're an even bigger cunt" Luke said, grinning in success. 

"Fuck you" Beau replied, sitting on one of the plastic chairs grumpily. 

"Ewww that's incest" James joked and Luke shot a grin at him.

"I'm done! I'm leaving!" Beau stated, getting up again and walking towards the door. 

"Nooo! No! No! No!" I exclaimed, jumping out of bed and running to him, then dragging him back to the side of Luke's bed. 

I pushed down on his shoulders so that he was forced to take a seat on one of the chairs, then I crawled back into bed next to Luke. 

"Where's mum?" Luke then asked, noticing that she wasn't by his bed. 

"Signing stuff. You're getting out tomorrow remember?" Skip replied, and a big grin grew over Luke's face. 

"Finally! It's been what? A week and 2 days? And now finally I can go get ice cream!" he cheered, throwing his hands in the air and hooting happily. 

"Luke what are you doing?" mum asked as she entered the room, and his arms dropped.

"Celebrating because i'm leaving tomorrow" he answered, smiling sheepishly. 

She just laughed and tucked a few papers into her hand bag, perching herself on one of the chairs. 

"Have you spoken to Ben lately? You know, about what happened and stuff?" Luke asked, mainly me, Skip and James. 

"Well we told him that if he ever told anyone about what went down he would meet each of our fists personally. But other than that nope" Skip replied and Luke rolled his eyes.

"Wow, thanks for making me seem more of a freak with even more psychopath associates" he remarked sarcastically.

"Hey, I aint no psychopath" James defended, feigning hurt.

Luke snorted, "Whatever helps you sleep at night." 

James just frowned and crossed his arms, turning to the television which Skip had just turned on. 

"Ugh news, switch cha-" My sentence suddenly stopped when I realised what was being said on the news, causing the others to also watch. 

"Mark Brooks, arrested exactly 8 days ago for attempted murder of his son, and also for the kidnapping of his other son and ex-wife, has escaped from Melbourne Assessment Prison, with no clue as to how he escaped, and where his current whereabouts are. If you see this man, please report to the police immediately, this man is considered dangerous, and needs to be found as soon as possible" 

We were all silent. Just frozen in our seats, staring at the tv screen which was now displaying a mug shot of the man who almost killed Luke. The man, who has literally ruined our lives. The man, who has now escaped prison and is most likely on the hunt for us. And no one knows where he is, no one knows when he will strike out, all we know is what he's capable of, which is probably more than we could imagine. 

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But don't worry, i'm making a sequelllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I was thinking for some time, and realised I still want this book to continue for a while, so i'm gonna write a sequel :))) And i'll still be starting that other book that I promised before :)

SO, as my ending speech for this book, i'd like to thank each and every one of you readers, especially those who vote and comment on each chapter. Every time I read your comments I love you each a little bit more, and that's saying something because I already love you too much to be expressed in this speech. I hope you all enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it, aaand i'll see you in book 2 ;)

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Bella ⚘

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