✠ Luke ✠

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Jai's POV:


"Hi dad" I said weakly, watching his disgusting smirk grow even wider.

"Hello Sons" he replied smugly as I glanced at Luke, who was staring at me in horror. "Haven't I told you enough times that there's no way to leave this house?"

I didn't answer, and watched as he stepped closer to Luke. "It's been years" he breathed, looking Luke up and down.

"Thankfully" Luke grumbled sarcastically and I mentally face palmed.

"What was that?" Dad asked, glaring into his eyes. If looks could kill, Luke would be more than dead right now.

"Nothing" Luke spat back, staring back with equal hatred. "I want some questions answered" he then added and I groaned loudly. Stupid fucking, stupid fucking, stupid fucking Luke. Why why why why.

"And what would those questions be?" Dad asked, looking both amused and pissed off. Probably because Luke was more confident than he would have liked.

"One, why the absolute fuck would you treat Jai like you have? Two, why are you so determined to break this family? Three, why are you such a fucking asshole?" Luke listed, breathing more heavily as he spoke.

"You have no right to speak to your father like that!" Dad hissed and I had to hold in a scoff, Luke would not like that one bit.

"My father?! What the fuck?! I'd rather eat a bucket of dog shit than respect you because you're my 'father'!" Luke yelled.

"Just listen to m-"

"LISTEN TO YOU?! How dim witted do you have to be to think that I'm going to listen to you?! I hate your guts!"

"Luke list-"

"No you listen! You took my twin brother from me, you treated him like the most unimportant and unwanted person on this planet, we found him, then you took him away from me again, as well as my own mother! How do you think that makes me feel?!"

"Don't make me hurt you!"

"Like you care if you hurt me! You've hurt Jai enough to know that you don't give two shits about us!"

Something flitted through dad's eyes and I suddenly felt very scared for Luke. Dad already looked mad, but now he looked prepared to kill.

"Come on! Punish me!" Luke shrieked, now looking like a psycho. Oh shiiiit.

"Luke!" I yelled, trying to catch his attention, but by now he was fully focussed on dad, determined to snap him.

Both Luke and dad were glaring each other down, daring each other to swing first. Luke was that person who did, so now they were in a full on fight.

"Stop! Stop it!" I ordered, trying to pry them away from each other, with no success. Where were all the others?! Why weren't they here?! I stepped away finally, giving up all hopes of tearing the two apart, watching them come close to knocking each other out. Both were just as vicious as each other, but I definitely wasn't prepared when dad pulled out a knife.

"Dad! What are you doing?!" I screamed, now putting all of my effort into taking the knife from him.

"For once do yourself a favour and piss off!" He yelled back at me, now holding Luke firmly on the ground.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, trying as hard as possible to keep my voice calm.

"Well if he doesn't stop moving I will do what you know I'm going to do" he replied, watching Luke continue to squirm. He suddenly got himself free, and shoved dad to the side.

No no no, this is bad. This is very bad. Dad straightened up again and they both pounced at each other, Luke throwing his fists everywhere, but dad doing something far worse. NO. 


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Dun dun duhhh :3 I wasn't originally gonna do this, but I decided I would at the beginning of the chapter, so here ya go. If you understood what happened, I'm sorry xx

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Bella ✠

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