❀ Park ❀

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Luke's POV: 

"This... Is a pancake" I told Jai, sliding three pancakes onto his plate. 

"Is it nice?" he asked, eyeing it cautiously. 

"It's delicious" I replied, sitting down on my chair and beginning to eat my own pancakes. 

"THIS IS AMAZING!" he exclaimed, wolfing down the pancakes with delight. 

"Woah slow down there, you'll choke" I chuckled, and he slowed down his eating a bit, but not much. 

We finished breakfast, then went back to my room where I gave him a black hoodie, a pair of jeans, and converse. 

"What is this?" he asked, flinging one of my beanies across the room. 

"That's a beanie... you wear it on your head. Want to wear this one?" I replied, holding up my panda beanie. 

He nodded and took it from me, stuffing it onto his head. He really needed lessons on wearing beanies. I laughed and stepped in front of him, reaching up my hand to fix his beanie, but then I noticed him flinch. 

"What's wrong?" I frowned, lowering my hand slightly. 

"Nothing's wrong. I just naturally flinch at stuff like that. Because dad..." he didn't finish his sentence, and instead looked at the ground. 

"Well i'm never going to hurt you ok?" I said, putting two fingers under his chin and lifting his head again. 

"I know you won't" he replied softly with a small smile. 

"Good" I grinned, once again putting up my hand to fix his beanie, this time without him flinching.  

"There we go" I said when I was done.

"Thanks. Where are we going?" he questioned. 

"Anywhere" I shrugged, walking out of the room with Jai at my heels. 

"Park?" he suggested. 

"Sure" I replied.

We left the house and walked to the nearest park, which happened to be where we filmed a few of our videos. When we arrived Jai seemed to turn into a 5 year old boy, and immediately ran to the swings. I guess it makes sense since he's rarely been outside. 

"Enjoying yourself?" I chuckled, watching him swing with a big grin on his face. 

"Yup!" he replied. "Hey Luke, what's a keek?" he asked after a moment. 

"A keek? A keek is like a short video that you upload onto the app called Keek. Why?" I replied, sitting on the swing next to his. 

"Because Beau made a keek of us sleeping" he said and I rolled my eyes. 

"Of course he did. The fans are going to be so confused as to why there is a second me in my bed" I sighed, taking out my phone to see loads of tweets about Beau's keek. Not surprised at all. 

Skipisbae194: @BrooksBeau WHOS IN UR KEEK?? 

SextingLuke: @Luke_Brooks @BrooksBeau Is that another Luke I see in ur keek???? How r there 2 Lukes????

Luke_Brooks: Got a massive surprise for u in the next video ☺︎ We'll film it ASAP for u

"I was right. The fans are going crazy" I sighed, going onto my messages to text Beau. 

"Crazy? Why?" Jai asked, slowing down his swing. 

"Because they've all seen the keek now they want to know who was in the bed with me. FUCKING HELL BEAU" I exclaimed, starting to type on my phone. 

To: Beaujob Good fucking job Beau

From: Beaujob What the fuck did I do?

To: Beaujob You posted a keek of me and Jai, now the fans are going mad on twitter

From: Beaujob Ohhhhhh im a dumb fuck

To: Beaujob Yes u r

From: Beaujob Well sorryyyy we'll just have to post a vid real soon with Jai

To: Beaujob Yea thats what I told the fans

To: Beaujob Should we get Skip and James over this afternoon to meet Jai and then film?

From: Beaujob Sounds good text them now

To: Beaujob K bye

From: Beaujob Cya little bro

To: James U free to come over this afternoon? The Jai person I was talking about is here and we wanna film :))

From: James Ur other half is here?? IM SO COMING OVER is that y ur not at school?

To: James Yea, im with Jai

From: James Cool see u after school then 

To: James Yep tell Skip as well

From: James Sure thing bro

I put my phone back into my pocket and turned back to Jai. 

"Do you wanna walk around a bit or go back for movies?" I asked. 

"Walk around a bit then movies" he replied. 

"K then" I grinned, jumping off the swing and walking with him down the street. 

- - - - - 

Just another filler chapter cos I wanted to write something xp Any feedback on this story?

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P.S. Thank you for 300 readsss <3

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