♥︎ Mother ♥︎

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Jai's POV: 

"I'm going out! You stay in your room or there will be consequences" my dad told me, before leaving the house angrily. 

He was always angry, and it always seemed to be my fault. I sighed and walked upstairs to my room, knocking into a bookshelf on the way, causing the bruise on my shoulder blade to hurt even more if that was possible. When I knocked into the bookshelf however, a slip of paper fell to the ground. Being the curious little motherfucker that I was, I bent down and picked up the paper, squinting to read the words. 

Birth Name: Jaidon Domenic Brooks

Sex: Male

D.O.B: 03/05/1995

D.O.D: N/A

Mother: Gina Brooks [Signature: ______]

Father: Mark Brooks [Signature: ______]

Siblings: Luke Anthony Mark Brooks , Beau Peter Brooks

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself, reading over the paper 3 more times. 

Something was wrong. It was my name, birthday and father on the paper, but who were the other people? I had never met my mother, according to dad she left when I was 2, so her name must have been Gina, but Luke and Beau? Were they my brothers? How come I never knew about them? How old are they? Did mum take them? How do you even pronounce Beau? 

Confused, I slipped the paper into my pocket and walked into my room, closing the door and sitting on my bed. This was so hard to understand. I had two brothers. And neither of them were with me. Why would mum take them away from me? Why wouldn't she take me to? Is that why dad is so violent? I couldn't answer any of these questions, so in the end I gave up, lying back onto my bed and falling into a deep slumber. 

- - - - -

"I'm home faggot!" a voice yelled, waking me up in an instant. 

I listened as my dad's footsteps made their way to my bedroom, and he opened the door. 

"I'm leaving the house for the weekend. Linda will be staying here but she's going to be working most of the time. When I arrive home the house will be spotless, and I will want to hear from Linda that you behaved well, not that I expect it. You will not leave the house of course, and if I hear that you did anything while I was gone, you will be punished. But you probably already knew that" he said gruffly. 

"Oh. Ok well i'll see you when you come home" I replied weakly. 

"Come here and give me a hug" he ordered. 

I gave him a strange look then got out of bed, walking cautiously towards him. He gave me a stiff hug then suddenly I was shoved into the wall. Well there goes my spinal cord and my hopes of any affection from my own father. I groaned in pain and dropped to the ground as he smirked then left the room. 

I heard him on the phone to someone, most likely to Linda because he was talking about him leaving, then the door slammed and I was alone once more. I pushed myself onto my feet using the wall, the stumbled to my bed, collapsing onto it with a sigh. 

"Jai?" a soft voice asked and I turned my head to see Linda. Well she came home quick.

"Hi" I greeted feebly, using all of my strength to sit up again.

"What did he do to you?" she asked with concern, coming over to me.

"Shoved me into the wall really hard" I huffed.

"I should take you to hospital" she murmured.

"No. That means money and i've got scars from dad all over me anyway. It's too much of a risk" I grunted.

"But we can dismiss all of the ques-" she began.

"No! If he finds out you took me to hospital i'll be punished worse than ever" I said and she sighed, realising that I was right.

"What's that?" she suddenly asked and I followed her eyes to a folded piece of paper next to me on the bed. It must have fallen out while I was sitting up.

"Nothing" I mumbled, snatching up the paper and stuffing it into my pocket again.

"Can I see it please?" she questioned.

"It's seriously nothing, just some piece of paper" I lied.

"Well if it's just some piece of paper it shouldn't be a big deal showing me" she pointed out and I hesitated before taking the paper out of my pocket and handing it to her.

She unfolded it and I watched as her eyes skimmed the words, widening as she got to the bottom. 

"This- This is- I don't- Oh my Gosh" she gasped. 

"Yea" I grumbled.

"I'll be right back" she said, jumping up and running out of the room. 

What was that about? She came back 10 minutes later with a grin on her face. 

"I found her" she said breathlessly. 

"Found who?" I asked.

"Gina. Your mother" she answered. 

"Wait... what do you mean you've found her?" I questioned.

"I mean I found her number, called her, and now you're going to finally see her again" she smiled. 

"What?!" I exclaimed. 

"I'm taking you to see your mother" she repeated and I stared at her with my mouth agape. 

- - - - -

Yayayayayayaya! Hope this chapter was ok :)))

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Bella ♥︎

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