✌︎ 3rd May ✌︎

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Luke's POV:

I sighed as I entered the kitchen to mum sniffling. Why was she sniffling you might ask? No. Fucking. Clue.

Today's the 3rd of May, my birthday, and once again my mother is crying.

"Mum. Why don't you just tell us why you're crying? Maybe we could make things better?" I sighed, sitting at the dining table.

"You can't make things better. It will never be better. I can't tell you and you'll probably never know, but just don't question me every time I break down" she sobbed.

"Why can't you tell us?" my older brother, Beau, asked and mum just shook her head.

"Come on! Every year on my birthday you cry! Tell me why please!" I exclaimed, balling my hand into a fist as my short temper kicked in.

"I'm sorry Luke. I can't tell you. And I know I shouldn't cry on your special day. How about you and Beau go out with James and Skip for a while?" she offered and I huffed, standing from my seat and taking out my phone to text my two closest friends.

Me - Hey cunts, wanna meet at the park?

James - Sure bro

Skip - Yea mate see you there

"Alright we're meeting at the park, we'll be home sometime after lunch" I said, kissing mum on the forehead then leaving the house with Beau.

"Eyyy birthday cunt!" Skip hollered as we arrived at the park.

"Happy birthday bro" James grinned, ruffling my hair and making me roll my eyes.

"Where's my hello?" Beau pouted jokingly, and the two boys pounced on him, screaming hello's in his face.

"Always know how to get rid of the kids don't you?" I chuckled, noticing a mother glare at us, then reach for her daughter's hand and leave the park.

"Should we film a video? Dedicated to Lukey's birthday?" Skip asked.

"Sure but what video?" Beau replied.

"What's your favourite thing Lukey?" James questioned.

"You faggots of course" I answered with a small grin.

"Lukey, we know you love us, but try to make this easier" Skip joked.

"Photography? But we can't do a video on photography what the fuck would be the point of that?" I asked.

"Would selfies count?" Beau smirked, he obviously had an idea.

"Hell yea they would" James grinned.

"There we go then, we'll do a selfie video" Beau said, then he explained what to do and we all agreed.

(A/n Basically just the #Selfie video but no Jai)

- - - - -

"Sooo when do you think the editing will be finished?" Beau asked, leaning over my shoulder.

"You asked that 10 seconds ago. Learn patience" I grumbled, not looking away from my laptop screen but nudging Beau away.

"Is it nearly done?" he questioned 5 seconds later.

"Fuck up!" I exclaimed.

"But Lukeyy I wanna see itt" he whined.

"Shut the fuck up you cunt it's nearly done!" I yelled.

"Luke!" Mum shouted in a warning tone and I knew it was because of my loud swearing.

"Sorry mum!" I replied.

"Luke when will it be finisheddd?" Beau asked again.

This time I just ignored him, and he kept persisting but I ignored him until finally he did it a 12th time and I lost it.

"Fucking hell you faggot don't you know the fucking definition on patience?! It will take as fucking long as I want it to take! Just sit back and enjoy the fact that you don't need to do shit!" I yelled, turning to him and noticing his phone facing me.

He just burst out laughing as I glared at him, turning to my laptop again.

"Always fucking recording me, I know i'm fabulous but come on" I mumbled.

"Whatever faggot. School tomorrow for you ey?" he said.

"It's my birthday, don't bring up school" I huffed.

"Speaking of your birthday. CAKE TIME!" he screamed, running downstairs still recording with his phone.

I rolled my eyes, chuckling slightly, then followed him downstairs into the kitchen where my birthday dinner and cake awaited.

- - - - -

Second chapter babes!! If you hadn't noticed, this book will have shorted chapters than my other book :3 Hope it was an ok chapterrr!

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Bella ✌︎

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