❖ Gloves ❖

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Ciao! I am so so sorry :(( I haven't been updating regularly recently, that's because I've been sick :'( And also a bit cos of writer's block :3 BUT I AM BACK IN BUISNESS FOR Y'ALL, ty for being amazingly patient people xx

Ok, back to the story  *whoosh* 

[Someone please shut me up -_-]

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Luke's POV:

"Sooo does anything happen if we touch the door?" I asked Jai as we all stood in front of dad's room.

"You get zapped" he replied, staring at the doorknob angrily.

"Then how does he get in?" Beau questioned.

"He uses these glove thingies. I have no idea where they are though" Jai frowned.

"Well aren't you a shit snooper?" Ben grumbled and I kicked his shin to make him shut up.

"Luke was that really necessary?" mum sighed, giving me a stern look.

"Yea, duh!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

"Whatever, guys spread out and find whatever glove things Jai is talking about" Beau ordered.

"Why don't we just look for anything that's non-conductive?" James suggested.

"What the flipping hell is non-conductive supposed to mean?!" Ben exclaimed.

"Er, like lead. Electricity can't pass through it. Find materials that electricity can't pass through, so we can use that to open the door" he explained.

"Ok look for materials like that or the glove things. Now everyone split" Beau said and we all went separate ways, well I went with Jai because it had been like 50 [exaggerating] years since I had seen him, not counting before in his room.

"I missed you" I muttered as we walked, and he curled his hand around mine, wearing a tight smile on his face.

"I missed you too" he said, glancing at me then facing back to the staircase.

"Why couldn't we have normal lives?" I sighed as we began our descent to the living room.

"No one has a normal life, ours are just less-normal than others" he chuckled lightly, but there was no amusement in his eyes.

"I guess so... What do the gloves look like?" I ask, changing the subject because there really wasn't anything to add.

"They're black, leather I think, but they look heavy. Ugh this is hopeless" he groaned, releasing my hand and looking through a bunch of blankets sitting in a wicker basket.

"Giving up in the first 10 seconds of searching is hopeless" I replied, looking in a random cabinet a few feet away. "These the ones?" I asked a moment later, holding up a pair of black, leather gloves.

He looked up hopefully, but when he saw the gloves his eyes filled with sorrow. He suddenly looked so upset I wanted to just cuddle him up and stay like that till he smiled again.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly, it was clearly something more than just the fact that they weren't the right gloves.

"They were Linda's gloves. She wore them all the time" he muttered, tearing his eyes away from the gloves and going back to searching.

"Sorry" I mumbled, not really understanding why it upset him so much, but letting it go anyway. I don't exactly know anything that went down in this place before I knew of Jai. He must have had a strong relationship with Linda or something.

I folded the gloves and stuffed them in my pocket, then continued my hunt for the right gloves.

"Yo! I was just thinking! Why does it matter that he has cameras planted all outside?!" Skip yelled from somewhere in the house.

"Because they trigger an alarm, and also some thing on his phone! I've always thought he has this tracker on me, just in case I ran away! It could be true so I don't want to risk you guys being caught or me being punished worse than ever!" Jai shouted back.

"Kay!" Skip replied and I rolled my eyes.

"Also, I think the house goes on lockdown or something when he leaves! So anything could probably trigger an alarm! Aka, smashing a win- *SMASH* who the fuck was stupid enough to- *WEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOO* fuck" A whole string of curse words escaped Jai's lips as the alarm went off and people literally screamed from different areas of the house.

"We forgot to call the police!" Beau suddenly shouted over the deafening sound of the alarm.

"Well hurry up and fucking call-" Luke began before the door swing open and someone walked in.

"Well well well, look what we have here"

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Another cliffhanger :3 I'm such a nice person :3 Aha, well like I said at the beginning, over been sick, plus a bit of writer's block.


What's ur fav song atm lol? :3

Kay now i'm leaving ;) xx

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Bella ❖

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