☀︎ Jai Brooks ☀︎

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Luke's POV:

My birthday had been a few days ago, and yet when I arrived home today, my mum was crying again. Was it my presence or something?! 

"Mum? What's wrong?" I asked, going up to her and resting a hand on her shoulder.

Wait a second. She was smiling. Why was she smiling? Were these supposed to be happy tears?

"Nothing is wrong anymore. But there's something I need to talk to you and Beau about. Go get him from his room and meet me in the living room" she instructed. Ok now she was acting weird, but I followed her instructions and went to collect my brother. 

"Ok what is it?" Beau asked as the both of us sat on the couch while mum stood. 

"There is really no easy way to put it" she mumbled.

"Ok then spill" I said.

"You have a third brother" she sighed.

"Sorry what? I don't think I heard you right" Beau said.

"You have a third brother. He's been living with your father ever since. Mark took him from us that day he left. He took my son, your brother, and most importantly Luke, your twin" she replied, staring at me.

I couldn't speak. What do you say to something like that? What do you say if you're told you have another brother that you've never known about until now. And a twin? I had often wondered what it would be like to have a twin. To have someone who looked the same as you, who you could connect with better than anyone else. But now that I know I have one, I don't know what to make of it.

"You're saying... That Luke has a twin somewhere with our good-for-nothing father, and we've never known about him till now?" Beau asked, looking slightly pissed off. 

To be honest I felt the same way. I had lived 16 years of my life without knowing that a piece of it was missing, that piece being my twin brother, my mum didn't bother to find him or even mention him to us.

"Why is he not here?" I questioned quietly. 

"Because your father took him" she replied softly, she obviously could tell that I was taking this hard.
"But you never bothered to bring him back?" I asked, gritting my teeth.

"He disappeared Luke, they both did. I searched trust me I did, but I never found anything of their existence" she sighed.

"So why are you bringing it up now? When you could've told me ages ago?" I growled. 

"Because I just got a call" she said, a small smile making its way across her face. 

"A call? From who?" Beau asked.

"From Mark's wife, Linda. We talked and she told me about your brother. He's not treated kindly by his father, and apparently Linda only just discovered who I was" she explained. 

"Soooo what's going to happen?" I questioned.

"She's bringing him to Melbourne in the morning" she smiled.

"He's gonna stay here?" Beau asked, a grin on his face. 

"Of course, I couldn't let my baby go again" she answered and Beau jumped to his feet. 

"This is amazing! Luke jump up and down with me! We've got a brother! You've got a twin! We're gonna meet him tomorrow!" He exclaimed, grabbing my hands and pulling me to my feet, dancing around the room as I laughed.

"Luke he's going to be sleeping in your room so I want you to go tidy it right now" mum ordered and I didn't hesitate to run to my room and fix it up.

I coincidentally had a bunk bed, so I decided to take the top while whoever my new brother was would take the bottom. Wait. His name. I don't know his name!

"Mum?!" I yelled, rushing downstairs and nearly falling face first on to the ground. 

"Yes Luke" she chuckled.

"What's his name? You never told us his name" I panted, recovering from running at full speed down the stairs. 

Beau froze where he was in the kitchen and turned to watch mum also. 

"Jai. His name is Jai Brooks" she smiled.

- - - - -

Next chapter they'll meet each other yayyyyy! Hehe hope you enjoyed lovelies. 

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Bella ☀︎

P.S. Thank you for getting this to 100 reads already! I only published it yesterday XD But thank you thank you thank you <3

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