◼ Sydney ◼

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Jai's POV:

"Mark why are you doing this?" Gina asked softly.

"Jaidon was taken from me. So I decided to take him back, along with you to create even more drama. You know how I love my drama" dad winked back.

"They'll find you" I scowled and my father rolled his eyes.

"Well we made it home and they haven't found us yet so I'd say we're off to a great start"

"They're still going to find you"

"And if they do, then I'll show them the legal documents saying you're my responsibility so I can't be punished for bringing you home"

"I never signed any documents. You just took off with Jai three days after he was born. You won't get away with this Mark" Gina spat and I winced at her words. She was just going to anger him, which is not what we need.

"Ah but I already have. Now, Jaidon you're going to go to your room and stay there till tomorrow morning. Step out of it and I will make sure you receive the punishment you deserve" dad growled.

"I'm not leaving Gina" I replied, glaring at him as I shuffled closer to my trembling mother.

"Gina? Havent you yet mustered the courage to call her mum?" my father sniggered.

"Fine. I'm not leaving mum at all tonight so sorry for ruining your plans" I said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry Jaidon but that's not up to you. I'm sure you've seen my collection of knives before yes? Would you like to be reminded of how one feels wedged into your flesh?"

A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered when he stabbed me with his favourite knife. The knife he used to slice open my skin enough to make it bleed heavily.

"Exactly. Now do as I said and go to your room" he ordered, obviously noticing the flicker of pain on my eyes when he mentioned knives.

I stood up slowly, avoiding eye contact with my parents as I stumbled towards my bedroom. I shut the door behind me and listened to my father speak to Gina as she responded with only whimpers. Unable to keep listening to his sickening voice, I moved over to my old bed and lay on my back, trying to imagine it feeling like the bed at mum's place.

I let my mind drift for a while, before finally falling into a restless sleep.

- - - - -

"Wake up!" my father's deep voice cut though my sleep and I jetted awake.

I looked towards my door to see him standing there, arms folded and eyes alight with anger.

"Breakfast" he grumbled, walking out of the room.

What? That was probably one of the most normal things I've ever heard him say.

"Hurry the fuck up!" he yelled and I staggered out of the room then down to the kitchen.

I perched myself on one of the chairs and watched dad hand Gina some toast, then flick a crust at me.

"Do I get anything else?" I asked, growling under my breath on annoyance.

"No. So shut up and be grateful" dad snapped.

"I will when I'm given a sufficient breakfast!" I exclaimed, curling my hand into a fist.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that you ungrateful shit!" he hissed, shoving me off the chair and into the wall.

"I'll speak to you however the hell I want!" I screamed back. What the fuck was I doing?! I'm going to get myself killed!

"That's enough shit our of your mouth!" he shouted, driving a fist right into my jaw.

"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" I muttered, holding a trembling hand to my jaw.

"Oh I'm not finished yet" he spat, dragging me up by my shirt then slamming me into the wall. He repeated this twice more, then resigned to punching my stomach continuously.

"Mark stop please stop!" Gina gasped as tears filled my eyes, unable to breath enough air into my lungs.

"This is what you deserve! You were a mistake to this world! You fucking. Piece. Of. Worthless. Shit" dad roared, still pummelling fists into my chest.

"Please stop hurting him" Gina sobbed as I gaped for non-existent air.

"Not your choice bit-" I didn't hear the rest of the sentence as his last punch went straight to my head, knocking me out completely.

- - - - -

Just an insight as to what's happening to Jai and Gina on Sydney... We'll have to see how Luke is coping :/

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Bella ◼

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