★ Janoskians ★

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Jai's POV: 

Luke had showed me around the suburb, and a few of the local shopping areas and stuff, then we went back home to watch movies. I had never in my life watched a movie. So I was excited to say the least. 

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Luke asked me, using the remote to flick through movies on this thing called Netflix which was up on the TV. 

"I don't know any movies. You pick one" I replied. 

"Ok choose a number between 1 and 20" he said. 

"16" I answered, and he counted 16 as he went through movies. 

"Ok, 16th movie is Step Brothers. Wanna watch it?" he asked. 

(A/n I know Step Brothers isn't on Netflix but shooooosh :3) 

"Sure" I grinned, leaning back on the couch. 

He started the movie and my God it was the best thing ever. Luke made popcorn and I finished it all within minutes. Probably not a good idea, because now I felt like throwing up. I had eaten a lot already today, and because my stomach was so small from eating hardly anything at dad's, it made me sick. 

But I ignored the weird feeling in my stomach, and continued to enjoy the movie. We watched a couple more, then all of a sudden the front door swung open, revealing two boys who looked around mine and Luke's age. 

"Hihihihihi!" the taller one exclaimed, looking overly excited about something. 

"Calm down James" Luke laughed, pausing the movie. 

"Woah you look identical" the second boy said, looking at Luke then me. 

"Well yea twins tend to look identical" Luke replied sarcastically. 

"Ummm" I said awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say. 

"Jai, these are my two best friends James and Daniel. But we call Daniel Skip. Boys, this is Jai" Luke introduced. 

"Hey" the boy called James grinned, giving me a hug then hugging Luke also. 

"Sup" the Skip dude greeted, giving us both a hug as well. 

"Hi..." I replied, getting shy all of a sudden. 

I don't know why, but I felt vulnerable for some reason. Probably because these were two people that I didn't know and I had to get used to them first. 

"Don't worry, you'll warm up to them soon" Luke smiled, taking my hand in his when he noticed how shy and nervous I was being. 

"So what video will we be doing?" Skip asked. 

"Something that can introduce Jai. Should we do a twitcam then upload it to youtube as well?" Luke questioned. 

I didn't understand the term 'twitcam' at all, so I just sat in silence listening to their conversation. 

"Yea that sounds good, we'll wait for Beau to get back from work then ask him if he agrees" James said and Luke nodded. 

James and Skip sat down on the couch, and Luke unpaused the movie for all of us to keep watching. 

"I'm home cunts!" Beau shouted, walking in the front door 2 hours later. "Oh and Jai" he added, winking at me. 

"Finally! Ok so we're thinking about doing a twitcam, then uploading it tonight for the rest of the fans" Skip told him. 

"Yea sure" he nodded, and Luke went to grab his laptop. 

He came back a moment later and set it down in front of the couch as Beau managed to squeeze between me and Luke. 

"Ok hey guys! Wait let me just- ok it's fixed. Hi everyone" Luke grinned at the laptop, closing a bunch of notifications that had popped up suddenly. 

"So today we're doing a twitcam to introduce our long lost brother Jai" Beau continued, giving me a side hug. 

The screen was showing the number 3000 below the camera, but I had no clue what that meant. Something on the right of the screen was showing loads of messages which disappeared as quick as they came. 

"What is a twitcam? Can people see us right now?" I asked aloud.

"Yea. We're live at the moment so the number of people shown here is the number of people watching, so we now have 4620 viewers. Oh and the thing on the side is where they can chat and send messages" Luke explained. 

"So, we're going to be doing a question and answer for you, so start asking questions" Beau said, and the chat thing on the side started spamming questions. 

"Ok firstly, Jai is spelt J-A-I. Not J-A-Y" James said, noticing the misspellings in all of the questions. 

"Yes Jai is Luke's twin, I don't know why so many people are asking that when it's obvious" Skip rolled his eyes and I chuckled. 

We continued answering a bunch of questions, then stopped the twitcam, set the video to upload to youtube, and began watching movies again. 

- - - - -

Again, another filler just to fill time :) They'll be at school tomorrow so we will have to see how that goes ;)

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Bella ★

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