Chapter 10

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I walk around the crowd of initiates, giving them tips on how to improve their technique and additional moves that work well with them. Tris catches on quickly, and so does Edward, but from what I understand he's been studying hand-to-hand combat for about six years now.

I stop in front of Tris and watch her quietly. She is small but strong, with a fiery determination burning in her blue-gray eyes that dares you to question her ability. "You don't have much muscle." I observe, "Which means you're better off using your knees and elbows. You can put more power behind them."

I press my hand against her stomach, and she stares at me with wide eyes. She is thin, but not so much that it is unattractive or looks strange. Most people would call her body type childish, but I believe it suits her, and it can help if she's in a fight or is captured. She seems like the type of person that could easily outsmart someone.

"Never forget to keep tension here," I tell her in a quiet voice. I lift my hand and keep walking, moving on to Christina.

Three hours later I dismiss the initiates for dinner. I don't leave the room. Instead, I kick around a bag for a while, needing to let off some steam and clear my head.

The chains on the bag break and it hits the floor, hard. "Damn," I look over to see Zeke, Lauren, and Shauna in the doorway. Lauren was the one who spoke. "Who pissed you off?"

"No one." I shake my head, getting new chains from the closet and rehooking the bag to the ceiling. Just living in the past. I think. No one knows about Marcus, although somehow the Erudite found out, judging by their recent reports.

"Well then, let's go to dinner." Shauna motions for me to come on.

"Yeah, don't want Uriah and Lynn to eat all the cake!" Zeke pretends to run out, and we all laugh before heading down to the cafeteria.

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