Chapter 37

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A/N: The last chapter was really fun to write. To me, I don't think he was really that drunk. Like everyone else thinks he was totally trashed, and I don't think that fits with his character. So, here's Chapter 37! (which in reality is chapter 20 of the actual book.)

Tris grips the chair arms so tightly, her knuckles are white. She keeps taking deep breaths, as if preparing herself for a lethal injection. My God, she's an initiate, not a criminal! You'd think that she was going to be put to death!

"It's just a simulation, Tris." I say quietly. She's scared to death, even without my not-so-obvious reassurance. But still, she nods. Right before I inject the needle, I see her shut her eyes. As soon as she's in and I'm hooked up to the wires, the room fades into nothing and I'm no longer in the real world.


Everything is black. I blink to make sure that my eyes are open, and they are. Strange. A blue sphere lights up not to far in front of me, and I see Tris and something sparkling in front of her. Then another lights up.

We're standing on the Pit floor next to the Chasm. Tris touches the reflection of herself lightly, brushing the tips of her fingers against it. Then she presses her hand against something not far above her head- a lid.  She presses against it, but the clear glass refuses to budge. This fear is not of enclosed spaces. That much is obvious to me.

Someone steps forward and taps the glass in front of her. He is tall, with short, dark hair and light skin. His eyes are dark, and I know that if I looked close enough they'd be a dark blue. Me. Why am I in this fear?

Simulation Me points at the her feet and smirks. I look to where he pointed, surprised to see her standing in half an inch of water. Tris crouches, looking for the  source, but it comes from no where. That's the problem with fear- it makes absolutely no sense at all, and yet it still terrifies you.

Tris stands and looks at me- well, the simulation one- and he shrugs before joining the crowd of people. I recognize them as the other initiates. The water rises fast. Soon it covers her calves. She pounds against the glass, shouting even though no one can hear her. The water reaches her thighs.

She tries to break the glass with her fists, her shoulder, but I know it won't work. Think, Tris. Stop and think. It's almost as if she heard me. She stops, even though the water has reached her rib cage. She slaps the glass, once, and then runs her hands through her hair. Her eyes land on Will.

Her body rises, oddly weightless. She tilts her head back to keep the water from covering her face, and then presses her face against the glass, sucking in a breath. The water completely covers her, sealing her in. She thrashes around, desperate, and I'm hoping that she figures it out.

It's just a simulation. She won't die. She can't. I repeat this over and over again. She kicks at the glass, hard, but nothing happens. The water slows down her foot. She screams, water rushing into her mouth. She screams again and shoves the wall with her palm. I hear a cracking sound.

I look closely at the box. There's a crack where she hit it. She slams her other hand next to the first one and another crack joins the first. There's a long, low groan, and the pane shatters.


I'm thrust out of the simulation so quickly that I have to gasp for air. I quickly unhook the wires and walk over to her right side. She's still out.

Then she gasps and sits up. She shakes out her hands and sucks in air, but I just stare at her.

"What?" she asks.

"How did you do that?" But one word's already circling around in my head like an alarm.

"Do what?"

"Crack the glass."

"I don't know."  I offer her my hand, which she takes and swings herself out of the chair. My skin tingles where she touches it, but that it shoved to the back of my mind. When she stands, she's surprisingly steady on her feet. I let out a sigh and grab her elbow, half leading and half dragging her from the room.  We walk quickly down the hallway and then she stops, pulling her arm from my grip.

Tris crosses her arms across her chest and I stare at her in silence. "What?" she demands.

I reply without hesitation, completely confident. "You're Divergent."

She stares at me for a minute, eyes slightly widened. She plays it off. "What's Divergent?"

"Don't play stupid." I snap. "I suspected it last time, but this time it's obvious. You manipulated the simulation; you're Divergent. I'll delete the footage, but unless you want to wind up dead at the bottom of the Chasm, you'll figure out how to hide it during the simulations!" My anger is sudden and unnecessary.

"Now, if you'll excuse me." I walk back to the simulation room and slam the door behind me. Uriah is Divergent also. He's the last person I have to do today.

I promised Tris's mother that I'd protect her daughter. How can I do that if Tris is making it so difficult for me?

The answer is simple- I can't. But unlike my father, I keep my promises, so I will make sure that no harm comes to Tris as long as I'm alive. And if anything does happen to her...then whoever did it better run. Fast. They should know that while Tobias Eaton might have shown mercy, Four does not. It will do them good to remember that.

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