Chapter 12

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"But..." Al says, letting his hands down. "Is it scored or something? When does it end?" Damn Candors. They ask too many questions.

"It ends when one of you is unable to continue." Eric smirks. Can someone please slap that look off of his face before I do?

"According to Dauntless rules," I add, "One of you could also concede." 

This pisses Eric off. He narrows his eyes at me. "According to the old rules. According to the new rules, no one concedes." Tris glances back and forth between us, trying to figure out the answer to an unknown question.

"A brave man acknowledges the strength of others."

"A brave man never surrendurs." We glare at each other for a few seconds.

"This is ridiculous," Al's voice snaps us out of it. "What's the point of beating him up? We're in the same faction!"

"Oh, so you think its going to be that easy?" I can't tell if Will is kidding or not. "Go on. Try and hit me, slowpoke." Will puts his hands back up. There's a cold determination in his eyes that wasn't there before. Funny. The kid thinks he can beat Al, who could knock him out with a well-placed blow.

Will dodges a few hits, but Al is pissed. He grabs Will and holds his arm, trapping the kid in place. Will might be agile and quick, but he can't break out of Al's tight grip. Al pulls his fist back and punches Will in the jaw.

The ex-Erudtie slumps to the ground, knocked unconscious.

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