Chapter 13

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Al's eyes widen. He drops down next to Will's motionless body, tapping his cheek. Everyone- even Eric, surprisingly, but thank God for that- is silent, as we wait to see if Will is going to respond.

For a few seconds, he lays on the ground with his arm bent beneath him. Then he opens his eyes and blinks, clearly dazed. I see Christina sigh with relief, and I briefly wonder if she has a crush on him or not. 

"Get him up," Eric says, staring at Will like a walf that hasn't eaten in weeks would stare at a rabbit. I turn to the chalk board and circle Al's name, keeping my face devoid of emotion. "Next up- Molly and Christina!" Eric shouts as Al practically drags Will out of the arena, and Molly and Christina enter.

Molly is Peter's only slightly more feminine-looking friend. I guess that's what you could say. The odds are pretty even here, since Christina has an inch or two on Molly and is thin and agile, built for avoiding things easily. Molly, on the other hand, is better built for combat.

I cross the room to Al and Will. "I'll take him to the infirmary." I tell Al quietly, not wanting to attract anyone's attention. Edward and Myra barely spare me a glance, and I'm not sure if I'm imagining it when Tris glances at us a few times. "You stay here." He nods and I take Will from him, supporting him from the waist. Tris glances over again- I"m positive that she looked over this time- and I could seriously need my eyes checked, but to me she looks nervous. Probably afraid of being left with Eric.

I really don't want to leave the initiates alone with Eric. I wouldn't mind Zeke, Shauna, or Lauren, but Eric might tell them to rip each other apart. And I have a feeling that Peter, Molly, and Drew would pounce on the opportunity.

I go as fast as Will can handle, which is a fast walk at best. He seems to understand why I want to get  back though, so he's trying to help at least. I'm hoping that Eric doesn't make them play a game of chicken or brutally murder each other while I'm gone. That'll be just my luck.

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