Chapter 15

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I finish writing the names on the chalkboard and lean against the wall, letting out a sigh. Eric had given me a list of fighting partners today, and I wrote them down on the board without saying a word to him. No way in hell will I say a word to that jackass unless it's absolutely necessary.

"But you have to." I hear Tris say to Al as she walks into the room with him and Christina. She freezes midstep, and my stomach twists when I see that she's staring at the board in both shock and horror. Her opponent is Peter.

Christina says something to her, trying to make her feel better. Al tells her just to take a few hits and pretend that she's been knocked unconscious. Like a coward, I think. They're both lucky that Eric disappeared after he gave me the list and hasn't shown his face.

Eric appears during the middle of the first fight, between Molly and Edward. Tris stands between Christina and Al, watching the fight silently with her hands in tight fists. I glance over at her every now and then, covering it up by pretending to gauge the reaction of the other initiates as well. I still have absolutely no idea why I'm watching her so closely.

Molly picks herself up off the ground at the end of the fight. I almost laugh at how easily Edward beat her. "You okay there, Stiff? You look like you're about to cry." I know that Peter's taunts will do little more than piss her off, but he doesn't seem to notice. Doesn't notice, or doesn't care. "I might go easy on you if you cry." She doesn't look ready to cry. Instead, she looks like she's feigning weakness. Any idiot could see that.

Eric taps his foot at a fast pace where he stands next to me. "How long till she's out cold?" He grins. "I say about a minute. Maybe even less." I ignore him.

"Come on, Stiff. Just one little tear. Maybe some begging." Now I want to punch Peter. He's as much of an arrogant ass as Eric is, which is, really saying something.

Tris's foot shoots out fast, and it would've been an excellent kick, if Peter didn't grab her foot and yank it forward. The move throws her off balance, but she recovers quickly and stands up fast after hitting the ground.

"Stop playing with her. I don't have all day." Eric snaps. Peter gets a hard look in his eyes. I see Christina cover her eyes as Peter punches Tris in the jaw, hard. She looks about ready to faint, but somehow keeps on her feet. Strange. That exact same blow with the exact same amount of force knocked Will out cold. She's stronger than even I gave her credit for. But then Peter kicks her in the stomach, and Tris falls to the ground.

Get up. I think. She pushes herself up, wincing, but Peter grabs her hair and punches her in the nose. Blood runs down her face and she shoves him away, but he punches her in the ribs. He hits her again, and her hand shoots out and hits him in the stomahc. He groans and I see him smack her hard in the ear.

I leave, not wanting to watch this. I can't watch her get hurt. There's a shriek that I recognize as Tris's, and I shove open the door again just to see Tris collapse to the ground. Her eyes flutter shut, and Peter pulls his foot back to kick her.

"Enough!" I shout.

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