Chapter 20

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"And you chose to do this?" Peter's eyes are wide, practically bugging out of his head. If the look were on one of the girls, I might consider it innocent or shocked, but he just looks like a trained assassin who was told that his next victim is his kind neighbor. "Why didn't you get a government job?"

"I didn't want one." My tone is flat. The initiates- who are now pretty impressed- stop next to the gate. The guards pay no attention to us. They are too busy pulling open the gates to make way for an Amity truck. The driver wears a red hat and has an idiodic grin plastered to his face, like most Amity.

"Beatrice?" A boy climbs out of the truck. Tris's head jerks up, and she looks into the back of the truck.

Beatrice. So that was her name. I knew that she was Andrew and Natalie's daughter.

The guy runs over and hugs her tightly. I consider the possibility of him being her boyfriend, but the way she stiffens says that they were little more than friends. He pulls away after a moment- still completely oblivious to the fact that all of my initiates are watching-and his smile fades. "Beatrice, what happened to your face?"

"Nothing," she says. "Just training. Nothing."

"Beatrice?" Molly sneers. "Is that your real name, Stiff?"

"What did you think it was short for?" Tris's voice is cold.

"Oh, I don't know...weakling?" She taps her chin absentmindedly. "Oh wait, that doesn't start with Tris. My mistake."

"There's no need to antagonize her." The boy says softly. "I'm Robert, and you are?"

"Someone who doesn't care what your name is." Molly replies. "Why don't you get back in your truck? We're not here to fraternize with other faction members." I stifle the urge to roll my eyes. I'm amazed that Molly ven knows a word as big as 'fraternize'.

"Why don't you get away from us?" Tris snaps.

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