Chapter 31

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Visiting Day. Great.

I hate Visiting Day. This is usually when I have to meet my initiates' parents. That means that I usually have to lie and say that their child is doing great when in reality they're going to be factionless soon. My stomach clenches. That means that I might see Tris's parents, Andrew and Natalie Prior.

Oh God, I think. What if they recognize me?

I look at the words Fear God Alone painted in red on my white wall. They've only rarely seen me in the past. It's been at least three years since I saw them- the last time I saw them was a year and a day before my own Choosing Ceremony- and I look a lot different than I used to.

But maybe the Erudite reports have brought the image of my face back into their memories. Maybe they will recognize me. I shake my head at myself. I have to act as though I've always been Dauntless, as if Marcus is not my father.

I grab a clean T-shirt and jeans and head into the bathroom. My shower takes all of ten minutes, and I grab a jacket on the way out. I usually don't need one, what with initiation and all, but today I'd prefer having it. It helps me to cover up any scars that I might have on my arms.

I open the door just as Shauna and Lauren raise their hands to knock. "Well, look who's up early." Lauren smirks.

I roll my eyes. "Let's just go. I want to get this over with." I start down the hall.

"Hey Four!" Zeke calls from up ahead. I jog to catch up with him.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Oh, you know. The rest of the city." I punch him in the arm. "Oh come on. Laugh a little."

I roll my eyes. "It's Visiting Day. Not happening." We get to the Pit and I see Tris. Her black shirt and her black jeans are tight, and she's wearing black boots. Her blonde hair is let loose, the loose curls falling to just below her shoulder blades. Her eyes are locked onto someone, and I easily pick out a woman in gray slacks and a gray jacket buttoned up to her neck. Her hair is in a standard Abnegation bun, like how Tris's hair was the first day I met her.

Tris speeds up, and Natalie doesn't recognize her for a minute. Then her eyes light up, and she and her daughter embrace. Zeke says something about seeing his parents and talking to me later before running off. Now alone, I walk over and lean against the Chasm railing. I see all of the initiates talking to their parents, smiling with them, laughing with them. If my father ever came, I bet I'd be cowering in a room, trying to avoid his belt.

Or maybe I'd be confronting him, matching his force with my own. I'd rather not find out. Some things are better left unknown.

I feel someone's eyes on my back, and I know that they're Tris's. I would know the weight of her gaze anywhere. I turn and feel my eyes widen. Natalie and Tris are walking towards the Chasm, near me. Natalie offers me her hand. "Hello. My name is Natalie. I'm Beatrice's mother."

Now I have no doubt of who Tris is. I ease my hand into hers and shake it twice, trying not to look at Tris. "Four." I say. "It's nice to meet you."

"Four," she repeats. "Is that a nickname?"

"Yes." I don't elaborate. "Your daughter is doing well here. I've been overseeing her training." Tris gives me an are you kidding me look.

"That's good to hear," she says. "I know a few things about Dauntless initiation, and I was worried about her."

What is up with people and underestimating her? I look at Tris, my eyes moving over her face. "You shouldn't worry." It's the truth. Tris's face flushes a little, and I can tell that she's wondering if I'm just being kind or if I'm serious.

Natalie tilts her head to the side. "You look familiar for some reason, Four."

My heart stops for a second. When I reply, my voice is cold. "I can't imagine why. I don't make a habit of associating with the Abnegation."

She laughs, surprising me. "Few people do, these days. I don't take it personally."

I relax. "Well, I'll leave you to your reunion." I turn and leave without another word. I feel Tris's eyes on me as I leave. Maybe Tris thinks that I was lying when I said for her mother not to worry. It will be better if she does, I think.

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