The Ebner Woods Wolf

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I walked into the house as the scent of my uncles cooking filled the room. Something strange had been happening to me lately, I was stronger and I could smell more than usual. When I got to the kitchen my uncle began placing the food into the oven.

"How was your day?" He asked me shocking me out of my thoughts. He smiled at me and I knew he was trying to be nice but I was too occupied with the food.

"It was good. When's the food gonna be done?" Staring at the oven my stomach growled.

"What did you do all day?" Another question. 'Should I tell him about my gaining strength'

"Well I had to fight this one guy in gym." I looked down. When I finally met his eyes he still had a smile on his face.

"Did you fight Clark?" I was astonished.

"How do you know about Clark?" I questioned him. He just grinned wider.

"There's something I should tell you."


I walked into the house when I noticed that my parents weren't home. That was very odd they usually were home at this time. I went into the kitchen and noticed a note on the fridge.


Dear Jenna,

Your father and I had a meeting to attend with the wolf council. We should be back later tonight. You may watch tv a little later but be sure to be in bed by 11:00. There's food in the fridge or you can go hunting. See you later.

Love, Mom and Dad

That's weird I knew my father was a counpcil member, but he never went to the meetings. I opened the fridge and a steak was waiting there for me 'yum'. As I put the steak in the microwave I heard a tap at the door. I walked to the door to find that it was Clark.

"Um hey Clark a what are you doing here?"I asked him.

"Just stopping by did your parents go to the meeting?" This was strange usually he would treat me like crap when he spoke to me.

"Yea they left but why are you here, like what do you need?" I was confused he has never came to my house just to talk he was up to something I just knew it.

He stepped a little closer. I was getting very nervous. "You do know I'm the future alpha right." He smirked. Was he trying to rub that in my face.

"And" I asked. This was very strange I didn't expect him to come to my house like this, in the late evening.

"So that means that I'm in charge of the new pack." Clark was now in my house. I was growing uncomfortable. He smiled at me as if nothing was wrong.

"Clark if your here to show off being the new alpha you can leave." I said shakily.

"I was actually here to offer a suggestion." He paused. "Would you like to be alpha with me?" He looked into my eyes. 'Should I say yes, or turn him down on the offer.'

"I don't know." I replied. "Don't we have to be mates first?" That was the rules. In order for a couple to be together their wolfs had to feel it strongly and pull them closer.

"I think it's you." He announced. I felt queazy, this was not happening and yet it was. "But I'll let you think on it." Clark spoke again. He turned around and closed the door behind him leaving me once more home alone.

I walked to the couch and began eating my steak. It was delicious. I turned the tv on and watched a few episodes of stuff here and there.

Everything was spinning my life had just been flipped upside down. Was Clark my mate and I didn't know it yet. And what's worse is what will he do to Trevor since I hang out with him so much.

All these questions went through my head. After I got done eating I turned off the tv and went upstairs to take a shower. The water soothed me and soon I was ready to go to sleep. I changed into some pajamas and climbed into bed. I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer so I drifted off to sleep.

The Ebner Woods WolfWhere stories live. Discover now