The Ebner Woods Wolf

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When I got home I didn't even have to enter the house to smell the familiar scent of Clark and his family. I opened the door and noticed 6 pairs of eyes staring at me. "Jenna your home, finally. Did you go on a hunt?" My father asked.

"Yes I did." I said. More rude than I intended.

"Well we have splendid news to tell you sweetheart." Clark's mother Angie boasted. I rolled my eyes she was too bubbly for my taste. Not that I didn't like her she just didn't suit me.

"And what might this news be?" I asked.

"Clark just told us that you two were mates." His father Thomas replied.

"Oh this is just wonderful!" My father cheered. I stood there in shock. The next thing I new Clark stood by my side placing his arm around my shoulders. This made me tense. I was very nervous.

"This means our baby girl will be an alpha." My mom smiled from ear to ear. Everyone was happy.....except me.

"Well this is just awesome." I said pulling Clark off of me. "But I'm very tired and want to go to bed."

"Okay Jenna, you can go on. Do you have anything you would like to say to Clark?" My mom was such a halfwit at times.

"Umm see you tomorrow, goodnight." I said unsurely.

"Nite Jenna, sweet dreams." He replied sweetly. Was I in a coma or something this was very weird. Clark actually talked to me nicely.

I walked up the stairs and went straight to bed without changing clothes or anything I was very tired. Instantly I was asleep.

All night long I had nightmares of weddings with Clark or Trevor being the groom and in every one of them the other one crashed the wedding. It was horrible.


'Beep Beep Beep' went my alarm jolting me awake. I undressed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Wiping my eyes I noticed a note on the sink. It said.

From Clark,

Good morning Jenna. I hope you don't freak out that I left a note in your bathroom on the sink but I just wanted to tell you sorry for all the times I have been mean to you in the past. I don't know why I did that but I've realized it was wrong and hope you forgive me. I know it's strange that now we are mates and all. Weird huh. But to me you've always been beautiful. I just never found the courage to tell you. Can't wait to see you at school.

Love, Clark.

Now things were really getting weird. I was flattered by the note but I still didn't feel a connection to Clark like you are supposed to with your mate. I took a quick shower and dried off quickly when I heard my phone buzz.

It was a number I hadn't seen before. I pushed the accept button and answered. "Hello."

"Hey Jenna it's Clark."

"How'd you get my number?" I asked.

"Your mom gave it to me." Remind me to get her.

"Ok umm" I was weirded out by all of this.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked. I guess I gained a new stalker.

"Getting ready for school?" I answered. This was crazy. He was asking a lot of questions like he needed to know everything.

"Oh cool me too" he answered excitedly. "Well I'll see you at school." And with that he hung up.

Dressing in some sweats I grabbed my bag and a pop tart. Mom and dad had left already so I locked the door behind me. I had this odd feeling that today was not going to be a good day.

The Ebner Woods WolfWhere stories live. Discover now