The Ebner Woods Wolf

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"What?!" I blurted out.

"Now that you know the truth, how do you feel Jenna."

"Shocked!" I exclaimed.

"That is why I have realized now I need to let you go. My instincts tell me I'm making a great mistake. But I've decided to ignore them for once. So go! Find Trevor and save the future of you both."

I jumped up and grabbed him by the neck in a large embrace. I truly loved my father. "I will go distract your mother for you Jenna. Go out the front door. When the coast is clear make your way to the woods."

"Okay dad thanks for everything I love you." He closed the door behind him and I listened for his distraction.

He lured my mother into the bedroom and told her I was asleep and that they could watch the television in peace. With the sound of the door clicking locked I swiftly made my way to the front door.

Opening and closing gently I ran for the woods. Changing into my wolf and searching for my mate the one who I truly do love.....Trevor.


The earth under my paws felt cool to each touch I was free and soon Jenna and I would be reunited. Faster and faster we traveled until we made it to a clearing for a break. "You okay?" I asked Katie.

"Yeah I'm fine a little out of shape though I might add."

"Let's continue before someone sees us." I offered and we moved on. Being a wolf was amazing so much you could do without the strain of it all. Stopping briefly the scent of another came to our noses.

"Trevor?" she said "Is that you?" Changing to my human self I couldn't help but run towards her. we embraced and once again I felt whole.

"Sorry to ruin the moment but can we got going I've gotta be home soon."

"Oh, my bad Katie I forgot you were here. Well let's go." Jenna glanced at me sending electricity throughout my whole form.

Finally we were free we would separate from Katie and head on our way to a new life. All I needed was Jenna by my side and with her nothing could stop me. I was glad that I had moved to the town of Ebner. And with her my life was complete.


The Ebner Woods WolfWhere stories live. Discover now