The Ebner Woods Wolf

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Making my way through the woods I sniffed the air for a trail. Suddenly visions of the cave came back to me. I turned left and made for a run. Bursting through the bush I came across the cave but it wasn't just a cave it was more. Much larger than any cave I had seen.

Climbing the rocks to the mouth of the cave I stalked in the shadows. A huge figure confronted me with a growl. It was a bear. Possibly the body guard I thought. Teeth glistened sharp in the moon light as it growled. Paws stomped the earth and it grunted with hatred.

I lashed at the beast with my claws which gained me a slap to the head. My vision blurred and I yelped in pain. I kept on trying. The bear scratched my face leaving great marks. I barked and growled. The thoughts of the bear screamed Kill Kill Kill!!

Terrified I bit down on its throat after a very high leap. it growled for one last time before collapsing under me. Crawling off I made my way towards the door. I made it I thought finally.


After leaving the hospital my parents insisted I stayed from school and rested. Am I now prisoner Trevor was in danger and I'm stuck at home. This infuriated me through out my whole being.

Try and try again, I did my best to escape into the woods. It didn't work. My mom loved knocking me out with the meds I was given. Talking back gives two days of sleep. Sneaking out gives five. And after awhile u end up dead to the world for weeks at a time.

"It's for the best." mom would say.

"Just a little bit in the woods." I would plead but the answer stayed no. My life would be swept away and there was nothing I could do about it.


BANG! BANG! BAN! crash against medal making me jump. "Trevor? Are you in there?" I heard a small voice ask.

"Yes I'm here! Where are you?" I asked. The wall to the left of me suddenly burst open revealing.................a young girl.

The Ebner Woods WolfWhere stories live. Discover now