The Ebner Woods Wolf

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As me and Trevor walked home I realized what a bond we had. Maybe he was my mate.

"Do you think I'll win the fight?" Trevor said breaking the silence. He sounded very excited.

"You do know that if you keep beating Clark, they will think of you as a better alpha." I informed him.

"That's awesome. I can't wait tell the fight then."

"Don't be ignorant. Being alpha is a lot of responsibility." I said angrily. He was too eager.

"Well your a beta, can you not help me out. I mean show me the ropes." He grabbed my hand encouragingly making my heart flutter.

"Trevor you have to be born an alpha or beat one." I let go of his hand and his face dropped.

"What if I am. Jenna I need to tell you something." He looked into my eyes.

"Yeah, what?" I asked.

"What if we were mates." That took me a back and I looked away. "Crap, I am such an idiot. I'm sorry I said that." He frowned.

"Trevor?" I said. "It's not like that can't happen. It's just, Clark has already proclaimed me as his."

"Then I will really have to beat him." As he said this he walked to the door leaving me on the street alone.


I couldn't believe her, Jenna and her wonderful self. She didn't understand that I could beat Clark. And when I did beat that pathetic muscle head of a being, I would be both alpha and Jenna would be mine.

I sat on the couch and thought on what she said. Maybe it would be more difficult then I thought. Then again she said I was pretty strong for a new wolf. That brought a smile to my face.

Oh the joy of getting to fight him. My new wolf created a low growl in my chest. It was 4 o'clock. 'Six hours left' I thought. Would Jenna come? I sure hoped so.

If she did I was definitely going to add her with the deal. Gosh, I couldn't wait. That girl she was perfect. All I had to do was beat Clark. That was all. I laid down and decided to take a nap.


Waking up the clock read 9:36. Show time, I needed to make my way down there. I rehearsed in my head what I wanted to say.

"So Clark," I practiced aloud. "If I beat you what does that make me." I paused pretending he had a response.

"Nothing you say well I say you let me be alpha."

This sounded really good. But what about Jenna. I felt really close to her even her smell brought a smile to my face. As I thought this her scent filled my nose. I smiled.


I got dressed in an old t-shirt and sweats. I really didn't want to dress up to see two guys, one who was in love with me and another who I felt like I loved, fight. This was terrible.

Walking towards the woods I leapt into transformation. Racing to the clearing where the fight would be, I stopped. I was early.

I sniffed the air for anyone's scent. Nothing. Howling I waited for a reply back when I saw shadows coming out of the dark forest. "Jenna your early."said Payton one of the pack members of lower standard.

"I thought it was at ten." I answered.

"It is just wait." She told me like I needed to be talked to like a little girl.

Turning I saw that a few more members had arrived. Including Clark.

The Ebner Woods WolfWhere stories live. Discover now