The Ebner Woods Wolf

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When I entered my room I unchanged so I could take a shower. I was so angry at my parents for being closed minded to the situation. All I could think about was how Trevor felt. Probably 'oh great I've moved into crazy town. Which is pretty much the truth.

As I dried myself off I could smell the scent of deer running in the nearby wood. I was hungry but I decided to let the heard pass. Walking into my room I turned on the radio and started listening to music. As the tunes played through my room I forgot about what had happened with my parents. And it felt good.

Two hours passed and I ended up going to sleep. Throughout my dreams I saw Trevor. But he wasn't Trevor, he looked different in a way. Kind of stronger than he was. I woke to my alarm clock and got ready for the day.

When I came down stares you could've cut the tension with a knife, so I decided to try to lighten the mood. "Good morning mom and dad." I smiled.

"Good morning dear." My mom smiled back. My dad said nothing he was very angry, in such a way I had never seen before.

"Dad, good morning." I tried again. I paused but still nothing at all. As if I hadn't said anything he got up and left the house for work. A tear left my eye. All that from one argument.

"He's not in a good mood today, but he'll be better tonight." My mom promised.

"I sure hope so." I said wiping my eyes. "I guess I'm off to school." Gratefully I gave my mom a hug for forgiving me so easily.

As I walked towards Trevor's house I heard someone catching up behind me. I turned around to see Katie one of my neighbors run up beside me. "So I hear you have a boyfriend Jenna." She said with wide eyes.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"No one I just know." She looked at me with a grin from eat to ear.

"And how do you know?" I gave her a smirk. She kept grinning like she had done something and gotten away with it.

"I can sense it on you Jenna, my mother is the town physic remember." This made me giggle but she wasn't lying. People from all over town came to ask her for readings.

"Well can't argue there huh, but I don't have a boyfriend just a new friend who apparently is a guy."

"Okay Jenna I believe you." And with that she was gone.

I shoved off the awkward and continued the walk to Trevor's. as I reached his house I saw him run out the door. "Bye uncle Clyde." He shut the door behind him and saw me. "Hey." He greeted.

"Hey." I greeted back. "Are you ready to go."

"Yup" he smiled at me and it became contagious because I smiled back. We walked in silence for a bit. I turned my head to say something and he was staring at me.

"What is it, is something wrong?" I asked him confused. He snapped out of his trance.

"Oh I'm sorry. It's just what would happen if I told you you were pretty?" This shocked me. I didn't know what to say. "Stupid huh I'm sure you would never like me since I'm not like you." He frowned.

"It's not that." I told him. "I just don't want to see you hurt."

"I understand." He said looking down. I had no idea how to respond. He looked like a nice guy but it would be horrible if anything happened to him.

We were nearing the school in silence. Does everything bad happen to me. 'Yes' my mind answered me. As we entered the building I tried to speak again. "So are you ready for another day?" I joked.

The Ebner Woods WolfWhere stories live. Discover now