The Ebnor Woods Wolf

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I woke up and noticed that I had been enveloped by darkness except for a few strands of candle light. The left part of my face stung very bad from the blows of the large man who had attacked me.

"Is your name Trevor?" A deep voice asked. I looked up to only see the outline of a very broad face.

"Yes." I croaked.

"Stand up!"the voice ordered. With all the little bit of strength I had I pushed myself off the ground.

Following the tall figure we walked through the damp hallways of what seemed like a cave.

"Where am I?" I asked but I didn't receive any reply.

We kept on for what seemed like forever when suddenly we approached two large doors.

"Wait here!" He ordered again before entering in. Where was I gonna go? I had no knowledge of my surroundings and my head felt as if blood was seeping down my scalp.

The door creeped open and the large hands of my captor grabbed me once more. Pulling me in to a very huge room.

The candle light in here was brighter than the rest, causing me to squint from being unused to it.

"Trevor," said a female voice. "I am the head of the wolf council. We understand that you are now new alpha of our youngest juvenile pack."

"Yes ma'am this is correct." I replied.

"Sadly though we also know that you dear boy were not born this way." Her face grew into a scowl as she looked at me through sharp eyes.

"What does this mean?" I began to panic.

"Nothing good can really come from this." She mocked. Oh no. What was I going to do.

"My father was an alpha." I voiced confidently trying to show no fear. She turned to the others and looked at the stacks of paper in front of her.

"Really and what makes you think that."she growled.

"Because how else would I have the strength that I do?" I asked her.

"That's what we are trying to understand. Boy, your father was not an alpha. It was your uncle Clyde."

My jaw dropped. This is so strange. When I see uncle Clyde he has a lot of explaining to do. Did he lie to me?

"You've heard to much. Take him to the holding chamber." She ordered.

"What no!" I cried out to no accomplishment. The large hands grabbed my shoulders and dragged me to the dark room that awaited me.

Throwing me in he slammed the door closed leaving me all alone. It was very dark and the smell of something rotting flooded every corner of the room.

My eyes started to adjust but not very well. A lump began to grow in my chest and I wanted to cry. But no I was not going to show any weaknesses to these people.

The Ebner Woods WolfWhere stories live. Discover now