The Ebner Woods Wolf

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This was crazy. Throughout the day my mind wandered back to Clark saying I was his mate. "Miss Alton?" My head shot up to Mrs. Chants.

"Umm yes," I smiled at her but I could tell she was not happy.

"Learn to listen Jenna or you can fail algebra. I don't care I get paid either way." I couldn't care less what she said it was my life not hers. I looked down Rollin my eyes as giggles filled the room.

The bell rang and we went to biology. Pop quiz. Great! Question #1 What is the best time to hunt? Wow if this is what ninth grade biology is going to be like. Should be an easy year.

Another bell and school was out. We walked out of the class when the teacher stopped me. "Jenna, when did you and Clark become mates?" My teacher asked.

"What never, I don't know what he's been telling people but we are not together." I was furious. How many people had he spread this lie to.

"I just assumed since you two stare at each other so much." What we do what I never noticed.

"This is weird I didn't know we did that." I paused looking out the door I saw Trevor standing there waiting on me. "Well I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled at me and I left.

Walking through the school doors Trevor didn't say a word. Finally I couldn't stand the silence anymore. "Soo" I smiled at him.

"What was that all about?"he questioned me very seriously.

"Nothing." I tried to be cool about it. 'Not my strong point.'

"Well I need to tell you something Jenna." What was he possibly going to say now.

"Okay umm is it anything to do with school or like the people?" I asked. He looked down. Was something wrong. "Hey, is something wrong?" I asked.

"Well um I don't know how to say this but I've noticed some changes in myself." That was strange what did he mean by changes.

"Like what kind of changes?" He thought for a few seconds before replying.

"I can smell things better. I can run faster. Jenna I'm stronger than usual and I don't understand it. No one is giving me any answers. Ive asked my uncle plenty of times. And all he does is change the subject." He sounded desperate.

"How about you ask your uncle again." That could help him. We walked a few more steps and were at his house.

"I'll try that again but I don't think he has any answers. I'll see you tomorrow and tell you if he says anything." He informed me.

"Okay see you tomorrow Trevor."I said as he walked to the door.

I turned and started my way home when my stomach growled. I hadn't hunted in three days and I was needing to feed my wolf. So into the woods I went.

Everything rushed by me at quick speed. I jumped over branches and made quick turns. Stopping I sniffed the air for a scent. Not too long of a wait and I smelled a near by heard.

Running again at quick speeds the wolf had taken over. Finally I made it to the group. Lowering down I paused for the opportunity. This was going to be fun.

The deer were still, not noticing I had entered their territory. I eased in when all of a sudden another wolf seized my moment. This wolf was very strong, and fast. Running at speeds I had never met myself.

I kept myself low as I watched the new wolf make the kill. My stomach rumbled observing every bite taken. The scent of the wolf indicated it was a boy. Ten minutes went by and soon he was done. Looking around he thought, no one was there, when he stood and changed forms.

Did my eyes deceive me? Here in front of me stood the new kid......Trevor.

I launched myself forward startling him in the process. Switching forms. He realized it was me. "Jenna? He looked shocked.

"Trevor what's going on?" I half growled. Why didn't he tell me that this had happened.

"Well I asked my uncle again. And he told me that I'm only half werewolf." He paused letting everything sink in. "Right when I learned this I went into a total transformation. I bolted out of the house and the only thing I wanted to do was kill."

"This is normal. You have something new that is part of you it's your wolfs feelings and emotions. It will make you do things you normally won't do but don't freak." I informed him.

"Don't worry Jenna I like this. It's amazing, the adrenaline rush takes my breath away." This made me laugh, he was like a kid with a brand new toy.

"Well do you feel better now?" I asked.

"Like I'm on top of the world." He joked. I smiled, I have to admit it he had a sense of humor.

"Well lets go home." I said turning in the direction of his house.

"What about the carcass?" He wondered. I looked from him to the deer.

"Just leave it I'll come back for it later" he agreed and we walked back to his house. Everything was different now. The last time I walked with him I felt like I needed to protect him, now I realized he could protect himself and me.

The Ebner Woods WolfWhere stories live. Discover now