The Ebner Woods Wolf

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I had to get her out of here. Sure I was completely overjoyed that she liked me in return, but she was risking her life for me. Not a good choice I wanted her to run away from this dreadful place.

The next time I awoke a faint smell of blood was in the air. It was coming from the corner where Jenna slept. She was bleeding how did I not smell this before. Gathering all of my strength I made my way over to her.


"Jenna, Jenna wake up." I heard a voice faintly. Opening my eyes I saw the blur of the boy I had grown to love. "Jenna please wake up. I know your still there. Please!" Trevor pleaded.

With all the little strength left in me I tried to lift my head. Smack! the pavement was hard as rock. I tried again. Smack! this time into a hand.

He cradled me like a baby and the pain that flooded me evaporated slightly. "Trevor?"

"Yes?"he cooed.

"I don't feel so good." and then my whole person began to tingle until not even the candle light was seen.


"Help!" I screamed. "Help me! Jenna has passed out come help your clan member. She's one of you! Come help her! help!"

"What's all the screaming about?" the giant man who captured me growled.

"It's Jenna, you have to save her she's cut up real bad." Tears rushed in my eyes. The door swung open and a new guy came crashing in. He smelled very familiar.

"Oh my god, Jenna darling can you here me? Daddy's here." This was her dad? He locked her in a cell. What was wrong with him?

"Wait your her dad?" I mocked. "Why would you do this to her?"

It was like I had never said a word. He picked her up and carried her out leaving me once again alone.

The Ebner Woods WolfWhere stories live. Discover now