Baby Shower

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1 week later..........................................................

Aaleeyah POV

It was my baby shower day!!!!! I got up, took a shower, got dressed (OUTFIT IN MM), put on light make up, put on my shoes grabbed my purse and keys than I was out the door. August had took the girls already. I got in my car and headed to my first destination. August had sat up me a hair appointment with his sister in law Chandra. Once I got there, I went in and asked for Chandra.

Me:" Is Chandra here??"

Chandra:" Im Chandra, you must be Aaleeyah."

Me:" Yep."

Chandra:" Follow me."

So I followed her to the back. She washed and deep condition my hair. Now I'm getting my ends clipped.

Chandra:" So talk to me girl, how did you and my brother meet?"

Me:" I was his back up dancer, but I had quit when me and his Wife had got into a fight."

Chandra:" Finally somebody had beaten her ass. I been wanting to get to her, but August wouldnt let me."

Me:" Wow. lol. She had put him out after she found out about my pregnancy. So now he staying with me and my 4 year old daughter."

Chandra:" You 19 with a 4 year old daughter??"

Me:" Yea, I was rapped."

Chandra:" Wow girl. Well, im finished here. You like it??"

Me:" No I dont like it, I love it. Thanks girl."

Chandra:" No problem, you carrying my nephew."

Me:" Are you coming to the baby shower??"

Chandra:" Yea, after my worker come in."

Me:" Ok."

I gathered my things and left. Next stop, target to get the rest of the decorations. Once I found a parking space, I parked my car and locked it then went grabbed a buggy and went inside. When I was walking to get the hamburger meat, my feet started hurting. i got the rest of the stuff that I had needed, paid for it, and then went to go put the stuff in the trunk of my car. I got in my car and pulled off and went to the center that I was having my baby shower at. Once I made it there, I called and August and told him to come help me with the groceries. He came outside with his brother and cousins.

Me:" Hey babe."

August:" Hey, go inside, im not fina let you carry these bags."

Me:" Ok daddy Aug."

August:" I like it when you call me daddy."

Smoke:" Aye y'all need to go get a room or something."

Me:" Stop hating so much and go get you a woman."

Smoke:" Mane, you didnt have to play me like that but, hook me up with your cousin Draya.."

Me:" Ima ask her when she get here, but Bye guys."

August:" By the way, I love what Chandra did to your hair."

Me:" Thanks babe."

So I went Inside and fell in love. August went way out just for a baby shower. I felt August come wrap his hands around my waist.

August:" You love it baby."

Me:" Yes I love it so much Aug."

August:" Its my first boy, so I had to go all the way out for him."

Me:" LOL you silly."

August:" My mom and your mom is in the kitchen part cooking."

Me:" Ok baby."

So I went to the kitchen part and saw my mom and his mom. I never met his mom before, but today is the day that I meet her.

Me:" Hey mommy."

Sofia:" Hey baby girl."

Me:" Hi. Ms. Alsina. Nice to meet you."

I stuck my hand out for her to shake it, but she looked at it and smiled.

Sheila:" Child, I dont shake hands I hug. Nice to finally meet you too. And called me Sheila or Momma Sheila."

Me:" OK. So do y'all need help with anything."

Mom and Sheila:" No child, go sit down for a while til the baby shower start."

I went sat down at the bar and watched them cook.

4 hours later.....................................................

The baby shower was a blast. Lots and lots of August and I's family had showed up. I got alone with his family members. They said the same thing to me that Chandra had said about Lauren. Everybody looked like they were having a good time. But, It was time to open the gifts.

2 hours later................................................

Its a lot of gifts that we got for the baby. Draya was helping me but the gifts in the back of my truck. We were finished and went inside and helped everybody else clean up. I seen Smoke coming my way. I already know why.

Smoke:" Aye, you did that for me??"

Me:" Hold let me call her over here."

I called Draya over here by me and Smoke and she came over.

Draya:" What sup cousin."

Me:" August brother Jamal here is crushing on you."

Draya:" Oh really, leave me here to talk to him for a sec."

Me:" Ok."

So I left them there to talk. I crept up behind August and he almost had shitted bricks.

August:" Damn girl, you almost made me sh- I mean poop on myself."

Momma Sheila:" Boy you better not curse around me."

Mom:" Hija, lo siento por la forma en que estado tratando . Estaba hablando a agosto y él estaba diciendo cómo él dejó a su esposa para ti. Niña que es el verdadero amor . Espero que me perdones hija????"

Me:" Mami, te perdono . A pesar de que había herido mis sentimientos acerca de mí para dormir con el hombre casado , sabiendo que tomó papá lejos de su esposa . Yo y agosto está enamorada mamá. Sé que lo que hice estuvo mal , pero no pude evitarlo. Alana lo ama soo mucho hasta el punto de que ella lo llama papá. Me siento como cuando tengo el bebé, él va a ser el mejor padre nunca. Yo perdono mamá . Te amo demasiado."

Mom:" I love you too."

August:" Baby, I didn't know you could speak Spanish."

Me:" Why you didn't ask??"

August:" Idk, but you can talk Spanish to me when we between them sheets at home."

Me:" Babe, our moms is standing right here."

Mom:" Hija, how you think you got here."

Momma Sheila:" Hello."

They high five each other and continued on with their conversation. August and I had walked back into the layer part and seen that the girl are knocked out. We picked them up and told everybody that we were leaving and thanks for today.

MY SECRET LOVER: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now