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HI everyone! Before you start I'd just like to let you know that this book is one of two in a series. So once you finish this one you'll have even more to read, yay! You can find the second book on my page titled TO HEAL. Anyways happy reading!


"So you're saying that in 5 years I can start helping out?" you looked at Cass with big eyes and a huge smile. She smiled down at you and nodded, "Of course! Maybe 4 if your good." you jumped in glee and ran into the apartment. You couldn't wait to start working, maybe then people would actually respect you. Plus money!!

You walked up to Tadashi and Hiro's  room. The boys had moved there a year ago after, well you weren't sure why.

You had asked your parents plenty of times, but they simply replied with, "We'll talk about it when you're older". You bursted into the room and struck a quick pose for dramatic effect.

"You're such a drama queen (y/n)"

You heard a small voice from the ground, you looked down and saw tadashi staring at you with an eyebrow raised and little 5 year old hiro focusing on the small robot they were building.

"Tadashi... Tadashi. You just threw off my groove. Never through off my groove."

You put your hands on your hips and stared back at him. He shrugged and went back to his small project and replied,

"Okay, whatever you say... Diva."

You sat next to him and glared,

"I am not a diva!"

"Sure, sure. And I'm not Tadashi Hamada."

"Stop it."


You relaxed and looked at the project they were working on. You watched Tadashi smirk at you out of the corner of his eye and open his mouth,


You threw your hands up in the air and yelled at him,

"You know what Tadashi Hamada, I am not a diva I am as smart as you!"

You leaned over and flipped on the on switch to the robot but made it look like you had fixed their "mistake". Tadashi stared at you in shock,

"Hiro and I have bern working on that for days how'd you do that?!"

You gave him a cocky smile and listed how you did it,

"First of all you're 9 and Hiro is 5, so it's not that surprising that I fixed it because I am clearly smarter. Second, you two are to focused on fixing the robot that you didn't notice that there's an on switch dummies."

You leaned back over and flipped it off. Tadashi rolled his eyes and murmured,


You jumped into action and went to attack him and he jumped out of the way. You stood up and chased him around the apartment.


If you can't tell here are the ages:
You&Tadashi: 9
Hiro: 5

Tadashi x Reader: TO BURNWhere stories live. Discover now