Sneak Peek

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You had time to cope with the traumatic events that had occurred seven months I ago. You were currently on your way back from a fully paid trip to some third-world country that you had spent 2 months in. At first you were running away from your problems with you-know-who. And just like anyone else would you went through the four stages of grief...

You walked down the crowded street with your hood up in the rain towards the Lucky Cat Cafe. You looked up and watched a man with black hair and a blazer crossing the street. "Tadashi?". You ran as fast as you could pushing past the crowd of people to reach him. You grabbed his shoulder and said, "Tadashi thank go-". It wasn't him... You looked at the man with big glasses and a goatee standing in front of you. He looked at you like you were crazy. You sighed, "Sorry..." As you walked away tears threatened to spill from your eyes.

"Why the hell would he leave?!" You yelled at Hiro as he sat on his bed. You often ranted to Hiro like this so he'd just let you ramble on. "And not only that, he left a note! That's like breaking up over text!!! We've been friends for so long!" Hiro let you get all of your anger out, you walked over to Tadashi's side of the room and quietly said, "I deserved more. I've known him for so long..." Hiro sat up now paying attention to your tone of voice. You suddenly screamed out, "I deserved more god damnit!!!!!" And kicked the thing closest to you, which happened to be Baymax's box-thingy. You screamed out in pain and fell to your knees. Hiro ran over and hugged you tightly whispering things in your ear, which you ignored. Which began the next stage,

You sat alone in the booth of the cafe reading picking at the food in front of you. Cass and Hiro stood at the counter staring at you, "You should say something to her..." Cass said in her sweetest voice. Hiro put his head in his hands and murmured, "I've tried, we all have..." Cass made a drink for an impatient customer and said, "I worry about her, she doesn't eat, she doesn't sleep, she spends the whole day working on her lab projects... What are we going to do?" Hiro sighed and shook his head while saying, "I wish I knew..."

You were walking towards your lab when you heard your new teacher, Professor Anderson, from behind, "(y/n), will you step into my office please." You walked behind her and sat in the chair across from her. Another boy, slightly older than you stood in the corner. She smiled as she sat down and said, "I'd like to offer you a fully paid trip to Wakanda (yes that was intentional marvel fans) to help teach robotics and in rich the lives of the people of Wakanda with your inventions. Would you be interested?" By the time she finished her sentence you blurted out, "Yes! Um... I mean, yes that would be great." She smiled and gestered to the man in the corner, "This is Clark he will be your guide and let you know about everything that you'll need to know on this trip." The blonde smiled and shook your hand. He was kinda cute... Had you finally moved on...

You walked into the cafe after a long airplane trip with your bags in your hand. You stood in front of the counter in front of Cass who currently had her back turned to you picking up something from the floor. You cleared your throat and heard he jump a bit before saying, "Yes yes I'll be right there! Ok what can I get you on this fine evening..." By this time she had turned around to see your smiling face. She squealed and ran to the other side of the counter engulfing you in a large bear hug. You hugged her back and said, "Oh I missed you too Aunt Cass!!" She put her hands on your face and said, "Oh look at you! You look beautiful, and tan! Quickly, quickly, go and say hi to Hiro he's been dying to see you!!" You kissed her on the cheek and ran upstairs. You got to the top of the stairs and leaned against the wall. Hiro sat at his desk on his computer working on a design for an upcoming project. You smiled and said, "Ya know working too much on a computer puts a lot of strain on your neck."

He whipped his head around and exclaimed, "(y/n)! You're home!!" He ran up to you and hugged you. You hugged him back and whispered, "I missed you too Nerd." He pulled away and looked at you with a confused face, "Wait, you were supposed to come home next week." You shrugged and said, "Something about some type of explosion made us and a lot of other foreigners go back home." You looked over at Tadashi's room. Everything was still there, but not in the same spot... You walked towards it and said, "Did you move stuff around in Tadashi's room?" You picked up a picture of you two as little kids and smiled. Hiro backed up and said very softly, "No... Please don't freak out..." Just then a voice was heard coming up the stairs, "Hey Hiro so I was thinking about upgrading baymax again." You gulped recognizing the voice. You turned around and saw Tadashi standing at the top of the stairs. He stared into your eyes and mumbled, "(y/n)..." You opened your mouth, closed your eyes, and said the only word that came to mind,


Tadashi x Reader: TO BURNWhere stories live. Discover now