chapter 14

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You jolted awake by the noise of a pan falling to the floor. You looked over to see Tadashi was still asleep. Once again you grabbed the bat by your bedside and walked into the hallway. What is up with everyone breaking into my house?! You thought. Here we go... Breathe in, Breathe out. You jumped out from your hiding spot to find your mom in the kitchen... Making eggs?!

"Mom, what the hell you scared me!!" She laughed and put the spoon down, "Oh honey your face was priceless!" She went over and gave you a hug while you yelled, "Mom I love you but you can't just come into my house and make eggs!!" She laughed and went back to making eggs.

"(Y/N) are you okay I heard yelling?!" Oh shit... Tadashi runs out in his sweats and freezes when he sees your mom in the kitchen who was smiling more than the joker. "Oh, (y/n)? Did you forget I was coming today?" She said with a smug smirk on her face. "H... Hi Mrs. (L/n)..." Tadashi awkwardly said still standing in the same spot. You sat down at the kitchen table and tried to hide. You were going to tell her, but not like this... You heard feet shuffling behind you, "Oh Tadashi hello dear! Oh should I let you shower before I hug you?" You stood up to see Tadashi blushing, "MOM NO!" She laughed and hugged Tadashi and said, "Oh honey don't be so embarrassed I'm just kidding."

"Mom why are you here?" She walked back over to the stove and explained her story, "Well, you didn't tell me why you didn't come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. So we had a conversation and you said to come over next week so here I am." She continued making eggs, "Mom we had that conversation on Friday, so when I said next week I meant this Friday... And today's Monday." She turned off the stove and Tadashi walked behind you and stood there awkwardly, "Oh well, it's over now, I'm here. Now tell me when you two got together." You rolled your eyes and you wrapped your arm around Tadashi, "Well, after he got out of his coma..." Your mom, who was now eating at the table, almost choked and looked up at you with wide eyes,

"SINCE WHEN WAS TADASHI IN A COMA?!" Her voice became so loud you were sure she would wake up the neighbors. Tadashi looked down at you and said, "You didn't tell her." You winced now remembering that you never told her. "Sorry mom... I just didn't think about it." She stood up and gave you a careful shove away from Tadashi and put her hands on his face, "Oh whatever, Tadashi are you okay? How bad was it? Did you hear anything? How'd it happen? How long ago was this? Do you..." Tadashi grabbed her hands and spoke in a soft voice, "I'm fine Mrs. (L/N)." She dropped her hands down and patted his cheek softly, "Okay darling... I would've been there if I had known." She gave you a quick glare and the walked behind the kitchen counter and grabbed her purse, "Alright kiddos, I'm going to say hello to Cass," she walked towards the door and opened it, "Don't do anything I would do." She said while winking and then shutting the door.

You looked at Tadashi and he looked back at you. Before you knew it you two started laughing your heads off. You opened you eyes and saw Tadashi standing over you smiling. "I love you. And your crazy family." He said. You put your arm on his neck and kissed him. He kissed you, passionately, back and moved his hand to your waist. Then he moved his hand to your butt and gave it a soft squeeze which caused you to jump a bit. You pulled away and stared into his eyes, "That's new." He leaned down and whispered into your ear, "Is new good?" He said as he started to attack your neck. You rubbed your hands up his chest then gave him a slight push away, "Ok mister, let's eat." He grabbed you hand as you tried to walk away and gave you puppy dog eyes. You laughed and pecked him on the lips, "This is something my mom would do." He smiled back at you and said, "Fine, but I am going to kiss you again." He leaned forward and kisses you once more.

Hello, it's me.

I'm back, but only to say that this book may or may not go on hold for a while. Check updates in the description of the book.

SOOOOOOOO I am currently making a Chris Evans x Other Character book and I think you should check it out because I said so😬. Also I am thinking about doing an avengers preferences book. Comment and tell me what you think!

Until next time

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