chapter 20

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You woke up in Tadashi's bed. You reached over and started to panic when you found it empty. Then it hit you.

The explosion.

Your breaths became uneven and you started to hyperventilate. You heard Hiro run over to you and put a hand on your back while saying,
"(y/n) you need to calm down..." You stared at your hands which were wrapped in bandages from the fire.

You jumped up and raised your voice, "Calm down? Calm down?! Tadashi just blew up! Again!!" You walked over to the office chair and put your head in your hands. You looked back up at Hiro and sighed, "You better tell me what the hell is going on." Hiro looked up at you and said, "Remember that day when you barged in on Tadashi shirtless..." You have a sad smirk remembering how flustered he was. Hiro didn't wait for you to reply and just kept talking, "What baymax was trying to say is that Tadashi had a condition... Ya know the whole fire thingy." He looked down at hands and you made a confused face. Once again he kept talking, "Earlier that day Dashi and I were in a building trying to sort out something with a bot fighter that, well wasn't to fond of me... His thugs pulled out a knife and cut my arm when Dashi started to catch on fire."

You changed positions by standing up and crossing your arms, Hiro said quietly, "I ran out of the building before it exploded. Everyone except Tadashi died. Whatever happened that night, at the fair, that's where he got his powers from. He's not dead
(y/n), there's no body or DNA to prove it."

You ran your hand through your hair and said, "But how do you know for sure?!" He pulled out his phone and started to pull up a app, "Because... I have a tracker on his helmet." He held up his phone to show a green blinking light on the other side of San Fransokyo. You immediately grabbed his phone and ran down to the garage to get your gear.

Alright I updated, but calm down ok this is kinda a filler. Also don't expect the next update to be til this Sunday at the latest. I felt bad when people commented asking for an update; which is perfectly fine I love to know that you guys like the book but I need some time to get stuff done so, Sunday. At the latest.

Also this book will be coming to an end. I know I know tears... BUT the story will live on!! I plan to start and publish a sequel around or after June (sorrynotsorry) so I can work on some other and new books in the time being. ALRIGHTY, enjoy!

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