chapter 15

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Dedicated to: @suesuemg
Thanks for the votes and comments love😘😘

I have no idea why I said love...

Let's just ignore that...

Yay! 1k readers! I still don't know exactly how to work wattpad so bear with me.

You walked into the cafe to find the whole group, except Tadashi, sitting in a booth. "(Y/N)! Come here!" Hiro yelled out at you. You walked over and pulled up a chair. "Hey guys, what's up?" Everyone looked concerned. Except for Fred. Fred had a look of both concern and excitement. He leaned towards you and said, "(y/n)... We are going to tell you something, you can't tell anyone, especially Tadashi..." You raised an eyebrow and nodded, "Ok, tell me."

You immediately regretted it.

Every bit of information poured out of them. The man in the mask. The night where everyone almost died. The fact that Hiro has been using baymax as a fighting machine!?

"What the hell guys I don't want to know this!" You tried to stand up to leave but Hiro grabbed your hand and pulled you back down. Damn, since when was he that strong. He looked into your eyes and said, "Listen, you can't tell Tadashi, and we really need you for this... Your robotics project will help you help us defeat the man in the kabuki mask." You looked down and said, "So I can't tell Tadashi anything..." Honey Lemon spoke up and said, "It's best if he didn't know..." You sighed and stood up. "Okay then..."

"When do we start?"

The last two lines are you talking. I will have more posted later tonight but this is kind onf a filler. Also leave comments for titles in the comments!

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